GSA-TTS / datagov-brokerpak-eks

Broker AWS EKS instances using the OSBAPI (eg from
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Verify provisioned clusters pass the EKS CIS benchmark #6

Closed mogul closed 2 years ago

mogul commented 3 years ago

User Story

In order to give auditors confidence that provisioned EKS clusters are following best-practices, we should be able to demonstrate that a provisioned cluster can pass the CIS EKS benchmark.

Acceptance Criteria


[Any helpful contextual notes or links to artifacts/evidence, if needed]

See also this GSA ISE hardening guide for EKS

Security Considerations (required)

This change will ensure that any new deployment of the eks-brokerpak will only deploy CIS-compliant instances of AWS EKS. This will bolster confidence in the configuration of the EKS instances we create.


  1. Install the Aquasec starboard-operator
  2. Add lines at the end of the tests that check that the AWS EKS CIS benchmark had zero FAIL results
  3. Document how someone can check these reports on any existing instance

Note that AWS Security Hub can ingest kube-bench results. We may want to set this up if it turns out that we need to continuously report on existing instances, but it's probably out of scope for this story. Let's wait to see if it's required, and write that separate story when it's time.

mogul commented 3 years ago

I just noticed this:

The EKS Benchmark is applicable to EC2 nodes (both managed and self managed) where you’re responsible for security configurations of Kubernetes components. This benchmark is, however, not applicable to Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate as you do not own or manage Kubernetes component configurations when using AWS Fargate.

Since the control plane is AWS' responsibility and we run no nodes, I guess there's no value in running the benchmark for us and we don't need to do this story...?

mogul commented 3 years ago

Here's a nice blog post on how to run the CISbenchmark from within the cluster; it provides a ready-to-go manifest and instructions for getting the results.

mogul commented 3 years ago

kube-bench doesn't even run in Fargate, at least without further tweaking:

    - lastProbeTime: null
      lastTransitionTime: "2021-04-28T00:28:26Z"
      message: 'Pod not supported on Fargate: fields not supported: HostPID, volumes
        not supported: var-lib-kubelet is of an unsupported volume Type, etc-systemd
        is of an unsupported volume Type, etc-kubernetes is of an unsupported volume
      status: "False"
      type: PodScheduled
    phase: Pending
    qosClass: BestEffort

I'll do some further digging, but I'm increasingly thinking that the CIS benchmark doesn't apply to us...

mogul commented 3 years ago

Confirmed, everything kube-bench checks under EKS is related to nodes. I'll remove mention of it from our SSP.

mogul commented 3 years ago

Moving this to Done rather than closing it, as a record that we did our due diligence to determine that the CIS benchmark does not apply to our configuration.

mogul commented 2 years ago

Reopening since we're now using Managed Node Groups instead of Fargate and we want to demonstrate that we are maintaining this baseline.

mogul commented 2 years ago

Here's an up to date walkthrough of running the CIS EKS benchmark, including how to ensure the results are propagated to AWS Security Hub.

mogul commented 2 years ago

I'm checking out starboard and it looks pretty great.

mogul commented 2 years ago

Excellent video demonstrating Starboard. I'm going to give this a try.

mogul commented 2 years ago

PR pending

nickumia-reisys commented 2 years ago

We've successfully run benchmarks by implementing @mogul's solution

We have also extracted the EKS CIS Benchmark reports from starboard using both (1) the Stock Amazon AMI and (2) the GSA-Hardened AMI.