GSA-TTS / datagov-brokerpak-eks

Broker AWS EKS instances using the OSBAPI (eg from
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Add backup/restore with optional automatic backups bucket #92

Open mogul opened 2 years ago

mogul commented 2 years ago

Relates to

Not working yet... The broker user is going to need more perms to be able to directly make an S3 bucket and generating credentials for accessing it.

Also need to

mogul commented 2 years ago

Not quite working yet...

$ velero backup create backup-test --ttl 24h --include-namespaces=default --wait
Backup request "backup-test" submitted successfully.
Waiting for backup to complete. You may safely press ctrl-c to stop waiting - your backup will continue in the background.
Backup completed with status: Failed. You may check for more information using the commands `velero backup describe backup-test` and `velero backup logs backup-test`.
bmogilefsky@rocinante-w10:~/Documents/Code/datagov-brokerpak-eks/terraform/modules/provision-aws$ velero backup describe backup-test
Name:         backup-test
Namespace:    velero

Phase:  Failed (run `velero backup logs backup-test` for more information)

Errors:    0
Warnings:  2

  Included:  default
  Excluded:  <none>

  Included:        *
  Excluded:        <none>
  Cluster-scoped:  auto

Label selector:  <none>

Storage Location:  default

Velero-Native Snapshot PVs:  auto

TTL:  24h0m0s

Hooks:  <none>

Backup Format Version:  1.1.0

Started:    2022-04-17 23:08:33 -0700 PDT
Completed:  2022-04-17 23:09:21 -0700 PDT

Expiration:  2022-04-18 23:08:33 -0700 PDT

Total items to be backed up:  35
Items backed up:              35

Velero-Native Snapshots: <none included>

bmogilefsky@rocinante-w10:~/Documents/Code/datagov-brokerpak-eks/terraform/modules/provision-aws$ velero backup logs backup-test
An error occurred: file not found

Next step in the morning: check Velero logs.

mogul commented 2 years ago

Attempting to delete and then looking at the details of a backup sheds some light on what might be happening:

Deletion Attempts (1 failed):
  2022-04-17 23:04:54 -0700 PDT: Processed
    rpc error: code = Unknown desc = NoSuchBucket: The specified bucket does not exist
  status code: 404, request id: <redacted>, host id: <redacted>