Currently blocked on #222 being deployed to main with a working pages/cloud deployment.
As a , I would like , so that I can _.
Optional: Any reference material or thoughts we may need for later reference, or assumptions of prior or future work that's out of scope for this story.
[ ]
Acceptance Criteria
Required outcomes of the story
[ ]
Research Questions
Optional: Any initial questions for research
Research, design, and engineering work needed to complete the story.
[ ]
Definition of done
The "definition of done" ensures our quality standards are met with each bit of user-facing behavior we add. Everything that can be done incrementally should be done incrementally, while the context and details are fresh. If it’s inefficient or “hard” to do so, the team should figure out why and add OPEX/DEVEX backlog items to make it easier and more efficient.
[ ] Behavior
[ ] Acceptance criteria met
[ ] Implementation matches design decisions
[ ] Documentation
[ ] ADRs (/documents/adr folder)
[ ] Relevant
[ ] Code quality
[ ] Code refactored for clarity and no design/technical debt
[ ] Adhere to separation of concerns; code is not tightly coupled, especially to 3rd party dependencies; dependency rule followed
[ ] Code is reviewed by team member
[ ] Code quality checks passed
[ ] Security and privacy
[ ] Automated security and privacy gates passed
[ ] Testing tasks completed
[ ] Automated tests pass
[ ] Unit test coverage of our code >= 90%
[ ] Build and deploy
[ ] Build process updated
[ ] API(s) are versioned
[ ] Feature toggles created and/or deleted. Document the feature toggle
[ ] Source code is merged to the main branch
Optional: Any decisions we've made while working on this story
Currently blocked on #222 being deployed to main with a working pages/cloud deployment.
As a , I would like , so that I can _.
Optional: Any reference material or thoughts we may need for later reference, or assumptions of prior or future work that's out of scope for this story.
Acceptance Criteria
Required outcomes of the story
Research Questions
Research, design, and engineering work needed to complete the story.
Definition of done
The "definition of done" ensures our quality standards are met with each bit of user-facing behavior we add. Everything that can be done incrementally should be done incrementally, while the context and details are fresh. If it’s inefficient or “hard” to do so, the team should figure out why and add OPEX/DEVEX backlog items to make it easier and more efficient.