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Update TTS AWS root credential database to include MFA tokens for all accounts #1550

Open adborden opened 2 years ago

adborden commented 2 years ago

Background Information

In order to simplify management of MFA for AWS root users, Tech Portfolio wants the TOTP secret for virtual MFA devices stored encrypted in the TTS AWS root credential KeePassXC database.

In our AWS root user management guide, we have a note that some accounts are missing the TOTP secret and instead the MFA exists only on a few individuals devices. We should update the entries so that all accounts in the database include the TOTP secret.

Implementation Steps

Acceptance Criteria

afeld commented 2 years ago

Took a pass and set up TOTP for the ones that I had in my authenticator. I don't have TOTP set up in my authenticator for any of the GovCloud ones. @JJediny Can you look at the remainder and see if there are any that you're unable to access and add?