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Optimize metadata and social cards (SEO) #80

Closed wesley-dean-gsa closed 1 month ago

wesley-dean-gsa commented 1 month ago

Confirm meta data and social cards have been added and optimized for each page

wesley-dean-gsa commented 1 month ago

From Slack

This is speaking to search engine results and social media cards. We were looking to confirm that the meta data that Google/social media platforms will be pulling for our website has been added for each page. And that the necessary code/configurations for social media cards has been added. [Kate has] been out of the social media game for a while, can't remember exactly what is needed these days off the top of my head. It used to be just dropping some a meta tag.

wesley-dean-gsa commented 1 month ago

This is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) task.

wesley-dean-gsa commented 1 month ago

Found this site on SEO tags in 11ty and this checklist is from there:

HTML tags:

Meta tags:

The meta tags and such appear to live here:

Eleventy Front matter

title: the page's title
permalink: /the/link/to/the/thing
date: date/of/update
author: Who Dunit
summary: summary of the page's content
description: not really sure how this is different from summary
tags: i, guess, some, tags, question, mark

For the og:image and og:type, we can do some thing like:

{{ "{ page.page_type or renderData.page_type or metadata.page_type }" | escape }}