GSA / Challenge_platform

The GSA platform for managing challenges
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Task-based Navigation #28

Open r-bartlett-gsa opened 4 months ago

r-bartlett-gsa commented 4 months ago

User story

As a site user, in order to efficiently navigate the site while completing various tasks, I would like to be able to switch between tasks from anywhere on the site.

Acceptance criteria:

Definition of Done

Doing (dev team)

r-bartlett-gsa commented 4 months ago


Figma link:

r-bartlett-gsa commented 3 months ago

@stepchud Based on our earlier discussion, the users will be able to switch between apps using utility nav, so "Switch task" in the header might not be needed. And the user not requiring to re-login when they switch between the apps should be addressed with #56 . So we can leave this in Blocked for now.