GSA / Challenge_platform

The GSA platform for managing challenges
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Evaluation Form: Score Mapping #70

Open r-bartlett-gsa opened 4 months ago

r-bartlett-gsa commented 4 months ago

User Story

As a challenge manager, in order to accurately calculate score the evaluators will provide, I would like to provide score value/points mapping for non-numerical scores (for example likert scale scores: likely, neutral, not likely)

Acceptance criteria:

Development tasks:

Definition of Done

Doing (dev team)


r-bartlett-gsa commented 4 months ago

Figma link (see CM Evaluation):


stepchud commented 4 months ago

Score values are required The system validates if a numerical value was provided by a challenge manager

aren't these the same thing?

r-bartlett-gsa commented 4 months ago

aren't these the same thing?

@stepchud I reworded the second one, saying that the system will need to validate if the input is numerical. So they are not the same, one will require an input, the second one will validate that the input is correct type.

r-bartlett-gsa commented 2 months ago

The user story is not longer needed and will be archived.