GSA / Crowdsource-Testing-USCIS.gov_2_2016

Artifacts from the 2/2016 Federal Crowdsourcing and Crowdsource Compatibility Test-Cycle
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Scenario #5, Question 2: Expected search result does not appear, search results are below the fold #7

Open smschulken opened 8 years ago

smschulken commented 8 years ago
  1. Type in “relative” in the “and search for” box and hit “Go” EXPECTED RESULT: “Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative” is one of the results

What actually happened; I used the microphone to enter Relative. The window reloaded, and I couldn't see the search results. I thought the page had just refreshed and that the search did not work. I scrolled down and noticed that one result appeared: I-730: Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition, which is not the one specified in the scenario.

I tried again, this time typing Relative. The window reloaded, and I couldn't see the search results. I scrolled down and noticed 4 results, including the one specified in the scenario.

I tried again, this time typing Relative with an extra space at the end. I got the same results as if I had used the microphone.

kcropper commented 8 years ago

the reload to the top of the page does make it feel like nothing happened. I wasn't even sure about where to search at first, since that was below the scroll by a pretty good bit.

Also, I'm not sure I would logically think of Forms then search for Relative to find this. Not sure if this is a likely use case, or if they would go at it from a different or higher point. Getting some good actual end user testing would be very helpful for this to know how they are likely to attempt it and build to support that.

kcropper commented 8 years ago

Interesting difference between portrait and landscape. Maybe the responsive, but there is suddenly a paragraph of description under I-600 and how much the Filing Fee is for I-130 when going sideways (iPhone 5)