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update-dependencies is not working #153

Closed avdata99 closed 3 years ago

avdata99 commented 3 years ago

I updated the datagovtheme extension today and after run make update-dependencies I didn't see the new version in the requirement file


make update-dependencies 
docker-compose run --rm -T ckan 1000 1000
Starting catalogdatagov_redis_1 ... done
Starting catalogdatagov_db_1    ... done
Running poetry lock ...
Creating virtualenv ckan-catalog-C0o-n6lY-py2.7 in /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs
Using virtualenv: /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/ckan-catalog-C0o-n6lY-py2.7
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies...
   1: fact: ckan-catalog is 0.1.0
   1: derived: ckan-catalog
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ckanext-datagovcatalog (0.0.1 git)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on repoze.who (2.3)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on psycopg2 (
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on Flask (0.12.4)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on OWSLib (0.8.6)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on cffi (1.12.3)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on pyutilib.component.core (4.6.4)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on fanstatic (0.12)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on messytables (>=0.15.2)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on gevent (*)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ckanext-report (0.1 git)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on GeoAlchemy (>=0.6)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on newrelic (*)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on pyparsing (>=2.1.10)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on pysolr (3.6.0)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on xlrd (>=1.0.0)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ckan (2.8.6 git)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on sqlparse (0.2.2)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on lxml (>=2.3)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on rq (0.6.0)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ckanext-googleanalyticsbasic (0.1 git)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on passlib (1.7.3)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on greenlet (0.4.12)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on polib (1.0.7)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on sqlalchemy-migrate (0.10.0)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on WebHelpers (1.3)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on redis (2.10.6)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on google_compute_engine (2.8.13)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on click (6.7)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on celery (3.1.25)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ckanext-qa (2.0 git)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on gunicorn (*)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on WebTest (1.4.3)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on simplejson (3.10.0)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on kombu (3.0.37)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on werkzeug (~0.15.3)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on Babel (2.3.4)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on python-magic (0.4.15)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on Jinja2 (~2.10.1)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ckanext-geodatagov (0.1 git)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ckanext-harvest (1.3.2 git)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on Paste (
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on SQLAlchemy (1.1.11)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on Genshi (0.7.3)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on cryptography (2.7)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on rfc3987 (*)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on urllib3 (1.25.9)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ckanext-archiver (2.0.0 git)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ply (3.4)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ckanext-spatial (0.2 git)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on lepl (*)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on pytz (2016.7)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on tzlocal (1.3)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on PasteScript (2.0.2)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on bleach (~3.1.1)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on python-dateutil (<2.0.0,>=1.5.0)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on repoze.who-friendlyform (1.0.8)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on Shapely (>=1.2.13)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on Routes (1.13)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on argparse (*)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on pyyaml (*)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ckanext-envvars (*)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on pika (>=1.1.0)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on boto (*)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on Flask-Babel (0.11.2)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on pyOpenSSL (18.0.0)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on WebOb (1.0.8)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on Pylons (0.9.7)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ckantoolkit (0.0.3)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on GeoAlchemy2 (0.5.0)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on zope.interface (4.3.2)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on progressbar (2.3)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ofs (0.4.2)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on Pairtree (0.7.1-T)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on unicodecsv (>=0.9)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ckanext-datagovtheme (0.1 git)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on ckanext-datajson (0.1 git)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on requests (~2.20.0)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on Markdown (~3.1)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on vdm (0.14)
   1: fact: ckan-catalog depends on jsonschema (2.4.0)
   1: selecting ckan-catalog (0.1.0)
   1: derived: jsonschema (2.4.0)
   1: derived: vdm (0.14)
   1: derived: Markdown (~3.1)
   1: derived: requests (~2.20.0)
   1: derived: ckanext-datajson (0.1 git)
   1: derived: ckanext-datagovtheme (0.1 git)
   1: derived: unicodecsv (>=0.9)
   1: derived: Pairtree (0.7.1-T)
   1: derived: ofs (0.4.2)
   1: derived: progressbar (2.3)
   1: derived: zope.interface (4.3.2)
   1: derived: GeoAlchemy2 (0.5.0)
   1: derived: ckantoolkit (0.0.3)
   1: derived: Pylons (0.9.7)
   1: derived: WebOb (1.0.8)
   1: derived: pyOpenSSL (18.0.0)
   1: derived: Flask-Babel (0.11.2)
   1: derived: boto (*)
   1: derived: pika (>=1.1.0)
   1: derived: ckanext-envvars (*)
   1: derived: pyyaml (*)
   1: derived: argparse (*)
   1: derived: Routes (1.13)
   1: derived: Shapely (>=1.2.13)
   1: derived: repoze.who-friendlyform (1.0.8)
   1: derived: python-dateutil (<2.0.0,>=1.5.0)
   1: derived: bleach (~3.1.1)
   1: derived: PasteScript (2.0.2)
   1: derived: tzlocal (1.3)
   1: derived: pytz (2016.7)
   1: derived: lepl (*)
   1: derived: ckanext-spatial (0.2 git)
   1: derived: ply (3.4)
   1: derived: ckanext-archiver (2.0.0 git)
   1: derived: urllib3 (1.25.9)
   1: derived: rfc3987 (*)
   1: derived: cryptography (2.7)
   1: derived: Genshi (0.7.3)
   1: derived: SQLAlchemy (1.1.11)
   1: derived: Paste (
   1: derived: ckanext-harvest (1.3.2 git)
   1: derived: ckanext-geodatagov (0.1 git)
   1: derived: Jinja2 (~2.10.1)
   1: derived: python-magic (0.4.15)
   1: derived: Babel (2.3.4)
   1: derived: werkzeug (~0.15.3)
   1: derived: kombu (3.0.37)
   1: derived: simplejson (3.10.0)
   1: derived: WebTest (1.4.3)
   1: derived: gunicorn (*)
   1: derived: ckanext-qa (2.0 git)
   1: derived: celery (3.1.25)
   1: derived: click (6.7)
   1: derived: google_compute_engine (2.8.13)
   1: derived: redis (2.10.6)
   1: derived: WebHelpers (1.3)
   1: derived: sqlalchemy-migrate (0.10.0)
   1: derived: polib (1.0.7)
   1: derived: greenlet (0.4.12)
   1: derived: passlib (1.7.3)
   1: derived: ckanext-googleanalyticsbasic (0.1 git)
   1: derived: rq (0.6.0)
   1: derived: lxml (>=2.3)
   1: derived: sqlparse (0.2.2)
   1: derived: ckan (2.8.6 git)
   1: derived: xlrd (>=1.0.0)
   1: derived: pysolr (3.6.0)
   1: derived: pyparsing (>=2.1.10)
   1: derived: newrelic (*)
   1: derived: GeoAlchemy (>=0.6)
   1: derived: ckanext-report (0.1 git)
   1: derived: gevent (*)
   1: derived: messytables (>=0.15.2)
   1: derived: fanstatic (0.12)
   1: derived: pyutilib.component.core (4.6.4)
   1: derived: cffi (1.12.3)
   1: derived: OWSLib (0.8.6)
   1: derived: Flask (0.12.4)
   1: derived: psycopg2 (
   1: derived: repoze.who (2.3)
   1: derived: ckanext-datagovcatalog (0.0.1 git)
PyPI: 1 packages found for jsonschema 2.4.0
PyPI: No release information found for vdm-0.8, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for vdm 0.14
PyPI: No release information found for markdown-1.6, skipping
PyPI: 2 packages found for markdown >=3.1,<3.2
PyPI: No release information found for requests-0.12.01, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for requests-2.15.0, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for requests-0.0.1, skipping
PyPI: 2 packages found for requests >=2.20.0,<2.21.0
PyPI: No release information found for unicodecsv-0.9.0, skipping
PyPI: 9 packages found for unicodecsv >=0.9
PyPI: 1 packages found for pairtree 0.7.1-T
PyPI: 1 packages found for ofs 0.4.2
PyPI: No release information found for progressbar-2.3-dev, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for progressbar 2.3
PyPI: No release information found for zope.interface-3.0.0b1, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for zope.interface 4.3.2
PyPI: 1 packages found for geoalchemy2 0.5.0
PyPI: 1 packages found for ckantoolkit 0.0.3
PyPI: 1 packages found for pylons 0.9.7
PyPI: 1 packages found for webob 1.0.8
PyPI: No release information found for pyopenssl-0.11, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for pyopenssl 18.0.0
PyPI: 1 packages found for flask-babel 0.11.2
PyPI: 81 packages found for boto *
PyPI: 1 packages found for pika >=1.1.0
PyPI: 1 packages found for ckanext-envvars *
PyPI: No release information found for pyyaml-3.09, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for pyyaml-3.08, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for pyyaml-3.03, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for pyyaml-3.02, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for pyyaml-3.01, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for pyyaml-3.07, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for pyyaml-3.06, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for pyyaml-3.05, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for pyyaml-3.04, skipping
PyPI: 10 packages found for pyyaml *
PyPI: No release information found for argparse-0.0.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for argparse-1.2, skipping
PyPI: 17 packages found for argparse *
PyPI: No release information found for routes-2.4.0, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for routes 1.13
PyPI: 45 packages found for shapely >=1.2.13
PyPI: 1 packages found for repoze.who-friendlyform 1.0.8
PyPI: No release information found for python-dateutil-1.0, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for python-dateutil-1.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for python-dateutil-1.2, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for python-dateutil-0.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for python-dateutil-0.3, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for python-dateutil-0.5, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for python-dateutil-0.4, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for python-dateutil-2.0, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for python-dateutil >=1.5.0,<2.0.0
PyPI: No release information found for bleach-0.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for bleach-0.2, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for bleach-0.1.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for bleach-0.1.2, skipping
PyPI: 5 packages found for bleach >=3.1.1,<3.2.0
PyPI: 1 packages found for pastescript 2.0.2
PyPI: 1 packages found for tzlocal 1.3
PyPI: 1 packages found for pytz 2016.7
PyPI: 44 packages found for lepl *
PyPI: No release information found for ply-1.6, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for ply-1.8, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for ply-3.3, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for ply-3.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for ply-2.2, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for ply-2.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for ply-2.0, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for ply-2.5, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for ply-2.4, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for ply 3.4
PyPI: No release information found for urllib3-0.3, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for urllib3-0.3.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for urllib3-0.4.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for urllib3-0.4.0, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for urllib3 1.25.9
PyPI: 11 packages found for rfc3987 *
PyPI: 1 packages found for cryptography 2.7
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.5, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.3.2, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.3.3, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.3, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.3.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.3.6, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.4, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.3.4, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.3.5, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.4.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.5.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.4.3, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.4.2, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for genshi-0.4.4, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for genshi 0.7.3
PyPI: 1 packages found for sqlalchemy 1.1.11
PyPI: 1 packages found for paste
PyPI: 3 packages found for jinja2 >=2.10.1,<2.11.0
PyPI: No release information found for python-magic-0.4.1, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for python-magic 0.4.15
PyPI: No release information found for babel-0.9, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for babel-0.8, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for babel-0.9.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for babel-0.9.2, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for babel-0.9.3, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for babel-0.9.4, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for babel-0.9.5, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for babel-0.8.1, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for babel 2.3.4
PyPI: No release information found for werkzeug-0.10.3, skipping
PyPI: 4 packages found for werkzeug >=0.15.3,<0.16.0
PyPI: No release information found for kombu-3.0.17-20140602, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for kombu 3.0.37
PyPI: No release information found for simplejson-2.1.0rc3, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for simplejson 3.10.0
PyPI: 1 packages found for webtest 1.4.3
PyPI: No release information found for gunicorn-20.0.1, skipping
PyPI: 79 packages found for gunicorn *
PyPI: 1 packages found for celery 3.1.25
PyPI: 1 packages found for click 6.7
PyPI: 1 packages found for google-compute-engine 2.8.13
PyPI: 1 packages found for redis 2.10.6
PyPI: 1 packages found for webhelpers 1.3
PyPI: No release information found for sqlalchemy-migrate-0.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for sqlalchemy-migrate-0.2.2, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for sqlalchemy-migrate-0.2.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for sqlalchemy-migrate-0.2.0, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for sqlalchemy-migrate-0.4.0, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for sqlalchemy-migrate 0.10.0
PyPI: No release information found for polib-0.5.4, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for polib-0.4.2, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for polib-0.5.0, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for polib-0.4.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for polib-0.4.0, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for polib 1.0.7
PyPI: 1 packages found for greenlet 0.4.12
PyPI: 1 packages found for passlib 1.7.3
PyPI: 1 packages found for rq 0.6.0
PyPI: No release information found for lxml-2.3alpha2, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for lxml-2.3alpha1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for lxml-1.3.1, skipping
PyPI: 67 packages found for lxml >=2.3
PyPI: 1 packages found for sqlparse 0.2.2
PyPI: 3 packages found for xlrd >=1.0.0
PyPI: 1 packages found for pysolr 3.6.0
PyPI: No release information found for pyparsing-1.1.2, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for pyparsing-1.2, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for pyparsing-1.3.3, skipping
PyPI: 14 packages found for pyparsing >=2.1.10
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for newrelic-, skipping
PyPI: 112 packages found for newrelic *
PyPI: 4 packages found for geoalchemy >=0.6
PyPI: 46 packages found for gevent *
PyPI: 1 packages found for messytables >=0.15.2
PyPI: 1 packages found for fanstatic 0.12
PyPI: 1 packages found for pyutilib.component.core 4.6.4
PyPI: 1 packages found for cffi 1.12.3
PyPI: No release information found for owslib-0.10.2, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for owslib 0.8.6
PyPI: 1 packages found for flask 0.12.4
PyPI: No release information found for psycopg2-2.0.7, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for psycopg2-2.0.6, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for psycopg2-2.0.4, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for psycopg2-2.0.3, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for psycopg2-2.0.2, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for psycopg2-, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for psycopg2-2.0.8, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for psycopg2
PyPI: 1 packages found for repoze.who 2.3
PyPI: Getting info for jsonschema (2.4.0) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: jsonschema-2.4.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
   1: selecting jsonschema (2.4.0)
PyPI: Getting info for vdm (0.14) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: vdm-0.14.tar.gz
   1: selecting vdm (0.14)
   1: selecting ckanext-datajson (0.1 2de3535)
   1: selecting ckanext-datagovtheme (0.1 04d32b7)
PyPI: Getting info for pairtree (0.7.1-T) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: Pairtree-0.7.1-T.tar.gz
   1: selecting pairtree (0.7.1-T)
PyPI: Getting info for ofs (0.4.2) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: ofs-0.4.2.tar.gz
   1: fact: ofs (0.4.2) depends on argparse (*)
   1: selecting ofs (0.4.2)
PyPI: Getting info for progressbar (2.3) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: progressbar-2.3.tar.gz
   1: selecting progressbar (2.3)
PyPI: Getting info for zope.interface (4.3.2) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: zope.interface-4.3.2.tar.gz
   1: selecting zope.interface (4.3.2)
PyPI: Getting info for geoalchemy2 (0.5.0) from PyPI
   1: fact: geoalchemy2 (0.5.0) depends on SQLAlchemy (>=0.8)
   1: selecting geoalchemy2 (0.5.0)
PyPI: Getting info for ckantoolkit (0.0.3) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: ckantoolkit-0.0.3.tar.gz
   1: selecting ckantoolkit (0.0.3)
PyPI: Getting info for pylons (0.9.7) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: Pylons-0.9.7.tar.gz
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on Routes (>=1.10.3)
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on WebHelpers (>=0.6.4)
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on Beaker (>=1.2.2)
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on Paste (>=1.7.2)
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on PasteDeploy (>=1.3.3)
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on PasteScript (>=1.7.3)
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on FormEncode (>=1.2.1)
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on simplejson (>=2.0.8)
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on decorator (>=2.3.2)
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on nose (>=0.10.4)
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on Mako (>=0.2.4)
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on WebOb (>=
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on WebError (>=0.10.1)
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on WebTest (>=1.1)
   1: fact: pylons (0.9.7) depends on Tempita (>=0.2)
   1: selecting pylons (0.9.7)
   1: derived: Tempita (>=0.2)
   1: derived: WebError (>=0.10.1)
   1: derived: Mako (>=0.2.4)
   1: derived: nose (>=0.10.4)
   1: derived: decorator (>=2.3.2)
   1: derived: FormEncode (>=1.2.1)
   1: derived: PasteDeploy (>=1.3.3)
   1: derived: Beaker (>=1.2.2)
PyPI: 5 packages found for tempita >=0.2
PyPI: No release information found for weberror-0.8dev-20071109, skipping
PyPI: 7 packages found for weberror >=0.10.1
PyPI: 43 packages found for mako >=0.2.4
PyPI: No release information found for nose-1.3.5, skipping
PyPI: 13 packages found for nose >=0.10.4
PyPI: No release information found for decorator-4.0.8, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for decorator-3.4.1, skipping
PyPI: 25 packages found for decorator >=2.3.2
PyPI: No release information found for formencode-1.2.4dev, skipping
PyPI: 8 packages found for formencode >=1.2.1
PyPI: No release information found for pastedeploy-0.9.7dev-r5510, skipping
PyPI: 9 packages found for pastedeploy >=1.3.3
PyPI: No release information found for beaker-1.6.5, skipping
PyPI: 27 packages found for beaker >=1.2.2
PyPI: Getting info for webob (1.0.8) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist:
   1: selecting webob (1.0.8)
PyPI: Getting info for pyopenssl (18.0.0) from PyPI
   1: fact: pyopenssl (18.0.0) depends on cryptography (>=2.2.1)
   1: fact: pyopenssl (18.0.0) depends on six (>=1.5.2)
   1: selecting pyopenssl (18.0.0)
   1: derived: six (>=1.5.2)
PyPI: 15 packages found for six >=1.5.2
PyPI: Getting info for flask-babel (0.11.2) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: Flask_Babel-0.11.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl
   1: fact: flask-babel (0.11.2) depends on Flask (*)
   1: fact: flask-babel (0.11.2) depends on Babel (>=2.3)
   1: fact: flask-babel (0.11.2) depends on Jinja2 (>=2.5)
   1: selecting flask-babel (0.11.2)
PyPI: Getting info for pika (1.1.0) from PyPI
   1: selecting pika (1.1.0)
PyPI: Getting info for ckanext-envvars (0.0.1) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: ckanext-envvars-0.0.1.tar.gz
   1: selecting ckanext-envvars (0.0.1)
PyPI: Getting info for routes (1.13) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: Routes-1.13.tar.gz
   1: fact: routes (1.13) depends on repoze.lru (>=0.3)
   1: selecting routes (1.13)
   1: derived: repoze.lru (>=0.3)
PyPI: 5 packages found for repoze.lru >=0.3
PyPI: Getting info for repoze.who-friendlyform (1.0.8) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: repoze.who-friendlyform-1.0.8.tar.gz
   1: fact: repoze.who-friendlyform (1.0.8) depends on repoze.who (>=1.0)
   1: fact: repoze.who-friendlyform (1.0.8) depends on zope.interface (*)
   1: fact: repoze.who-friendlyform (1.0.8) depends on WebOb (>=0.9.7)
   1: selecting repoze.who-friendlyform (1.0.8)
PyPI: Getting info for python-dateutil (1.5) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: python-dateutil-1.5.tar.gz
   1: selecting python-dateutil (1.5)
PyPI: Getting info for pastescript (2.0.2) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: PasteScript-2.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl
   1: fact: pastescript (2.0.2) depends on Paste (>=1.3)
   1: fact: pastescript (2.0.2) depends on PasteDeploy (*)
   1: fact: pastescript (2.0.2) depends on six (*)
   1: selecting pastescript (2.0.2)
PyPI: Getting info for tzlocal (1.3) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: tzlocal-1.3.tar.gz
   1: fact: tzlocal (1.3) depends on pytz (*)
   1: selecting tzlocal (1.3)
PyPI: Getting info for pytz (2016.7) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: pytz-2016.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl
   1: selecting pytz (2016.7)
   1: selecting ckanext-spatial (0.2 4ac25f1)
PyPI: Getting info for ply (3.4) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: ply-3.4.tar.gz
   1: selecting ply (3.4)
   1: fact: ckanext-archiver (2.0.0) depends on SQLAlchemy (>=0.6.6)
   1: fact: ckanext-archiver (2.0.0) depends on requests (>=1.1.0)
   1: fact: ckanext-archiver (2.0.0) depends on progressbar (*)
   1: fact: ckanext-archiver (2.0.0) depends on ckanext-report (*)
   1: selecting ckanext-archiver (2.0.0 4cb10ac)
PyPI: Getting info for urllib3 (1.25.9) from PyPI
   1: selecting urllib3 (1.25.9)
PyPI: Getting info for cryptography (2.7) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: cryptography-2.7.tar.gz
   1: fact: cryptography (2.7) depends on asn1crypto (>=0.21.0)
   1: fact: cryptography (2.7) depends on six (>=1.4.1)
   1: fact: cryptography (2.7) depends on cffi (>=1.8,<1.11.3 || >1.11.3)
   1: fact: cryptography (2.7) depends on enum34 (*)
   1: fact: cryptography (2.7) depends on ipaddress (*)
   1: selecting cryptography (2.7)
   1: derived: ipaddress (*)
   1: derived: enum34 (*)
   1: derived: asn1crypto (>=0.21.0)
PyPI: 22 packages found for ipaddress *
PyPI: 30 packages found for enum34 *
PyPI: 11 packages found for asn1crypto >=0.21.0
PyPI: Getting info for genshi (0.7.3) from PyPI
   1: selecting genshi (0.7.3)
PyPI: Getting info for sqlalchemy (1.1.11) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: SQLAlchemy-1.1.11.tar.gz
   1: selecting sqlalchemy (1.1.11)
PyPI: Getting info for paste ( from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: Paste-
   1: selecting paste (
   1: selecting ckanext-harvest (1.3.2 8cde93c)
   1: selecting ckanext-geodatagov (0.1 9df6669)
PyPI: Getting info for python-magic (0.4.15) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: python_magic-0.4.15-py2.py3-none-any.whl
   1: selecting python-magic (0.4.15)
PyPI: Getting info for babel (2.3.4) from PyPI
   1: fact: babel (2.3.4) depends on pytz (>=0a)
   1: selecting babel (2.3.4)
PyPI: Getting info for kombu (3.0.37) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: kombu-3.0.37-py2.py3-none-any.whl
   1: fact: kombu (3.0.37) depends on anyjson (>=0.3.3)
   1: fact: kombu (3.0.37) depends on amqp (>=1.4.9,<2.0)
   1: selecting kombu (3.0.37)
   1: derived: amqp (>=1.4.9,<2.0)
   1: derived: anyjson (>=0.3.3)
PyPI: No release information found for amqp-0.0.1, skipping
PyPI: 1 packages found for amqp >=1.4.9,<2.0
PyPI: 1 packages found for anyjson >=0.3.3
PyPI: Getting info for simplejson (3.10.0) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: simplejson-3.10.0.tar.gz
   1: selecting simplejson (3.10.0)
PyPI: Getting info for webtest (1.4.3) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist:
   1: fact: webtest (1.4.3) depends on WebOb (*)
   1: selecting webtest (1.4.3)
   1: fact: ckanext-qa (2.0) depends on ckanext-archiver (>=2.0)
   1: fact: ckanext-qa (2.0) depends on ckanext-report (*)
   1: fact: ckanext-qa (2.0) depends on SQLAlchemy (>=0.6.6)
   1: fact: ckanext-qa (2.0) depends on requests (*)
   1: fact: ckanext-qa (2.0) depends on xlrd (>=0.8.0)
   1: fact: ckanext-qa (2.0) depends on messytables (>=0.8)
   1: fact: ckanext-qa (2.0) depends on python-magic (>=0.4)
   1: fact: ckanext-qa (2.0) depends on progressbar (*)
   1: fact: ckanext-qa (2.0) depends on six (>=1.9)
   1: selecting ckanext-qa (2.0 d7d384c)
   1: derived: six (>=1.9)
PyPI: Getting info for celery (3.1.25) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: celery-3.1.25-py2.py3-none-any.whl
   1: fact: celery (3.1.25) depends on billiard (>=,<3.4)
   1: fact: celery (3.1.25) depends on kombu (>=3.0.37,<3.1)
   1: fact: celery (3.1.25) depends on pytz (>0.0-dev)
   1: selecting celery (3.1.25)
   1: derived: billiard (>=,<3.4)
PyPI: 1 packages found for billiard >=,<3.4
PyPI: Getting info for click (6.7) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: click-6.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl
   1: selecting click (6.7)
PyPI: Getting info for google-compute-engine (2.8.13) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: google-compute-engine-2.8.13.tar.gz
   1: fact: google-compute-engine (2.8.13) depends on boto (*)
   1: fact: google-compute-engine (2.8.13) depends on distro (*)
   1: selecting google-compute-engine (2.8.13)
   1: derived: distro (*)
PyPI: 12 packages found for distro *
PyPI: Getting info for redis (2.10.6) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: redis-2.10.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl
   1: selecting redis (2.10.6)
PyPI: Getting info for webhelpers (1.3) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: WebHelpers-1.3.tar.gz
   1: fact: webhelpers (1.3) depends on MarkupSafe (>=0.9.2)
   1: selecting webhelpers (1.3)
   1: derived: MarkupSafe (>=0.9.2)
PyPI: 18 packages found for markupsafe >=0.9.2
PyPI: Getting info for sqlalchemy-migrate (0.10.0) from PyPI
   1: fact: sqlalchemy-migrate (0.10.0) depends on pbr (>=1.3,<2.0)
   1: fact: sqlalchemy-migrate (0.10.0) depends on SQLAlchemy (>=0.7.8,<0.9.5 || >0.9.5)
   1: fact: sqlalchemy-migrate (0.10.0) depends on decorator (*)
   1: fact: sqlalchemy-migrate (0.10.0) depends on six (>=1.7.0)
   1: fact: sqlalchemy-migrate (0.10.0) depends on sqlparse (*)
   1: fact: sqlalchemy-migrate (0.10.0) depends on Tempita (>=0.4)
   1: selecting sqlalchemy-migrate (0.10.0)
   1: derived: Tempita (>=0.4)
   1: derived: pbr (>=1.3,<2.0)
PyPI: 10 packages found for pbr >=1.3,<2.0
PyPI: Getting info for polib (1.0.7) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: polib-1.0.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl
   1: selecting polib (1.0.7)
PyPI: Getting info for greenlet (0.4.12) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: greenlet-0.4.12.tar.gz
   1: selecting greenlet (0.4.12)
PyPI: Getting info for passlib (1.7.3) from PyPI
   1: selecting passlib (1.7.3)
   1: selecting ckanext-googleanalyticsbasic (0.1 54647da)
PyPI: Getting info for rq (0.6.0) from PyPI
   1: fact: rq (0.6.0) depends on redis (>=2.7.0)
   1: fact: rq (0.6.0) depends on click (>=3.0)
   1: selecting rq (0.6.0)
PyPI: Getting info for sqlparse (0.2.2) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: sqlparse-0.2.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl
   1: selecting sqlparse (0.2.2)
   1: selecting ckan (2.8.6 eca78d5)
PyPI: Getting info for pysolr (3.6.0) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: pysolr-3.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
   1: fact: pysolr (3.6.0) depends on requests (>=2.9.1)
   1: selecting pysolr (3.6.0)
   1: selecting ckanext-report (0.1 b67875b)
PyPI: Getting info for messytables (0.15.2) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: messytables-0.15.2.tar.gz
   1: fact: messytables (0.15.2) depends on xlrd (>=0.8.0)
   1: fact: messytables (0.15.2) depends on python-magic (>=0.4.12)
   1: fact: messytables (0.15.2) depends on chardet (>=2.3.0)
   1: fact: messytables (0.15.2) depends on python-dateutil (>=1.5.0)
   1: fact: messytables (0.15.2) depends on lxml (>=3.2)
   1: fact: messytables (0.15.2) depends on requests (*)
   1: fact: messytables (0.15.2) depends on html5lib (*)
   1: fact: messytables (0.15.2) depends on json-table-schema (>=0.2,<=0.2.1)
   1: selecting messytables (0.15.2)
   1: derived: json-table-schema (>=0.2,<=0.2.1)
   1: derived: html5lib (*)
   1: derived: lxml (>=3.2)
   1: derived: chardet (>=2.3.0)
PyPI: 2 packages found for json-table-schema >=0.2,<=0.2.1
PyPI: 18 packages found for html5lib *
PyPI: 6 packages found for chardet >=2.3.0
PyPI: Getting info for fanstatic (0.12) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: fanstatic-0.12.tar.gz
   1: fact: fanstatic (0.12) depends on Paste (*)
   1: fact: fanstatic (0.12) depends on WebOb (*)
   1: selecting fanstatic (0.12)
PyPI: Getting info for pyutilib.component.core (4.6.4) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: pyutilib.component.core-4.6.4-py2-none-any.whl
   1: fact: pyutilib.component.core (4.6.4) depends on six (*)
   1: selecting pyutilib.component.core (4.6.4)
PyPI: Getting info for cffi (1.12.3) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: cffi-1.12.3.tar.gz
   1: fact: cffi (1.12.3) depends on pycparser (*)
   1: selecting cffi (1.12.3)
   1: derived: pycparser (*)
PyPI: 20 packages found for pycparser *
PyPI: Getting info for owslib (0.8.6) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: OWSLib-0.8.6.tar.gz
   1: fact: owslib (0.8.6) depends on python-dateutil (>=1.5)
   1: fact: owslib (0.8.6) depends on pytz (*)
   1: selecting owslib (0.8.6)
PyPI: Getting info for flask (0.12.4) from PyPI
   1: fact: flask (0.12.4) depends on Werkzeug (>=0.7)
   1: fact: flask (0.12.4) depends on Jinja2 (>=2.4)
   1: fact: flask (0.12.4) depends on itsdangerous (>=0.21)
   1: fact: flask (0.12.4) depends on click (>=2.0)
   1: selecting flask (0.12.4)
   1: derived: itsdangerous (>=0.21)
PyPI: 5 packages found for itsdangerous >=0.21
PyPI: Getting info for psycopg2 ( from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: psycopg2-
   1: selecting psycopg2 (
PyPI: Getting info for repoze.who (2.3) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: repoze.who-2.3-py2-none-any.whl
PyPI: Downloading wheel: repoze.who-2.3-py3-none-any.whl
   1: fact: repoze.who (2.3) depends on WebOb (*)
   1: fact: repoze.who (2.3) depends on zope.interface (*)
   1: selecting repoze.who (2.3)
   1: selecting ckanext-datagovcatalog (0.0.1 2c724d8)
PyPI: Getting info for amqp (1.4.9) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading wheel: amqp-1.4.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl
   1: selecting amqp (1.4.9)
PyPI: Getting info for anyjson (0.3.3) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: anyjson-0.3.3.tar.gz
   1: selecting anyjson (0.3.3)
PyPI: Getting info for billiard ( from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist: billiard-
   1: selecting billiard (
PyPI: Getting info for markdown (3.1.1) from PyPI
   1: selecting markdown (3.1.1)
PyPI: Getting info for requests (2.20.1) from PyPI
   1: fact: requests (2.20.1) depends on chardet (>=3.0.2,<3.1.0)
   1: fact: requests (2.20.1) depends on idna (>=2.5,<2.8)
   1: fact: requests (2.20.1) depends on urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.25)
   1: fact: requests (2.20.1) depends on certifi (>=2017.4.17)
   1: derived: not requests (2.20.1)
PyPI: Getting info for requests (2.20.0) from PyPI
   1: fact: requests (2.20.0) depends on chardet (>=3.0.2,<3.1.0)
   1: fact: requests (2.20.0) depends on idna (>=2.5,<2.8)
   1: fact: requests (2.20.0) depends on urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.25)
   1: fact: requests (2.20.0) depends on certifi (>=2017.4.17)
   1: derived: not requests (2.20.0)
   1: fact: no versions of requests match >2.20.0,<2.20.1 || >2.20.1,<2.21.0
   1: conflict: no versions of requests match >2.20.0,<2.20.1 || >2.20.1,<2.21.0
   1: ! requests (>2.20.0,<2.20.1 || >2.20.1,<2.21.0) is partially satisfied by not requests (2.20.0)
   1: ! which is caused by "requests (2.20.0) depends on urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.25)"
   1: ! thus: requests (>=2.20.0,<2.20.1 || >2.20.1,<2.21.0) requires urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.25)
   1: fact: requests (>=2.20.0,<2.20.1 || >2.20.1,<2.21.0) requires urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.25)
   1: derived: not requests (>=2.20.0,<2.20.1 || >2.20.1,<2.21.0)
   1: derived: certifi (>=2017.4.17)
   1: conflict: requests (2.20.1) depends on urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.25)
   1: ! requests (2.20.1) is partially satisfied by not requests (>=2.20.0,<2.20.1 || >2.20.1,<2.21.0)
   1: ! which is caused by "requests (>=2.20.0,<2.20.1 || >2.20.1,<2.21.0) requires urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.25)"
   1: ! thus: requests (>=2.20.0,<2.21.0) requires urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.25)
   1: ! not urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.25) is satisfied by urllib3 (1.25.9)
   1: ! which is caused by "ckan-catalog depends on urllib3 (1.25.9)"
   1: ! thus: requests is forbidden
   1: ! requests (>=2.20.0,<2.21.0) is satisfied by requests (~2.20.0)
   1: ! which is caused by "ckan-catalog depends on requests (~2.20.0)"
   1: ! thus: version solving failed
   1: Version solving took 366.890 seconds.
   1: Tried 1 solutions.

Because no versions of requests match >2.20.0,<2.20.1 || >2.20.1,<2.21.0
 and requests (2.20.0) depends on urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.25), requests (>=2.20.0,<2.20.1 || >2.20.1,<2.21.0) requires urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.25).
And because requests (2.20.1) depends on urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.25), requests (>=2.20.0,<2.21.0) requires urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.25).
So, because ckan-catalog depends on both urllib3 (1.25.9) and requests (~2.20.0), version solving failed.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/clikit/", line 131, in run
    status_code = command.handle(parsed_args, io)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/clikit/api/command/", line 120, in handle
    status_code = self._do_handle(args, io)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/clikit/api/command/", line 171, in _do_handle
    return getattr(handler, handler_method)(args, io, self)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cleo/commands/", line 92, in wrap_handle
    return self.handle()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/poetry/console/commands/", line 28, in handle
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/poetry/installation/", line 74, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/poetry/installation/", line 161, in _do_install
    ops = solver.solve(use_latest=self._whitelist)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/poetry/puzzle/", line 36, in solve
    packages, depths = self._solve(use_latest=use_latest)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/poetry/puzzle/", line 190, in _solve
    raise SolverProblemError(e)

Running poetry export ...
Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in pyproject.toml. You may be getting outdated dependencies. Run update to update them.
argparse 1.4.0 Python command-line parsing library
babel 2.3.4 Internationalization utilities
`-- pytz >=0a
bleach 3.1.5 An easy safelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool.
|-- packaging *
|   |-- pyparsing >=2.0.2 
|   `-- six * 
|-- six >=1.9.0
`-- webencodings *
boto 2.49.0 Amazon Web Services Library
celery 3.1.25 Distributed Task Queue
|-- billiard >=,<3.4
|-- kombu >=3.0.37,<3.1
|   |-- amqp >=1.4.9,<2.0 
|   `-- anyjson >=0.3.3 
`-- pytz >0.0-dev
cffi 1.12.3 Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code.
`-- pycparser *
ckan 2.8.6 CKAN Software
ckanext-archiver 2.0.0 Archives resources in CKAN (CKAN Extension)
|-- ckanext-report *
|-- progressbar *
|-- requests >=1.1.0
|   |-- certifi >=2017.4.17 
|   |-- chardet >=3.0.2,<3.1.0 
|   |-- idna >=2.5,<2.8 
|   `-- urllib3 >=1.21.1,<1.25 
`-- sqlalchemy >=0.6.6
ckanext-datagovcatalog 0.0.1 Catalog customizations
ckanext-datagovtheme 0.1 Datagov Theme
ckanext-datajson 0.1 CKAN extension to generate /data.json
ckanext-envvars 0.0.1 CKAN configuration settings available from env vars
ckanext-geodatagov 0.1
ckanext-googleanalyticsbasic 0.1 Basic extension to add google analytics tracking code in page header
ckanext-harvest 1.3.2 Harvesting interface plugin for CKAN
ckanext-qa 2.0 Quality Assurance plugin for CKAN
|-- ckanext-archiver >=2.0
|   |-- ckanext-report * 
|   |-- progressbar * 
|   |-- requests >=1.1.0 
|   |   |-- certifi >=2017.4.17 
|   |   |-- chardet >=3.0.2,<3.1.0 
|   |   |-- idna >=2.5,<2.8 
|   |   `-- urllib3 >=1.21.1,<1.25 
|   `-- sqlalchemy >=0.6.6 
|-- ckanext-report *
|-- messytables >=0.8
|   |-- chardet >=2.3.0 
|   |-- html5lib * 
|   |   |-- six >=1.9 
|   |   `-- webencodings * 
|   |-- json-table-schema >=0.2,<=0.2.1 
|   |-- lxml >=3.2 
|   |-- python-dateutil >=1.5.0 
|   |-- python-magic >=0.4.12 
|   |-- requests * 
|   |   |-- certifi >=2017.4.17 
|   |   |-- chardet >=3.0.2,<3.1.0 (circular dependency aborted here)
|   |   |-- idna >=2.5,<2.8 
|   |   `-- urllib3 >=1.21.1,<1.25 
|   `-- xlrd >=0.8.0 
|-- progressbar *
|-- python-magic >=0.4
|-- requests *
|   |-- certifi >=2017.4.17 
|   |-- chardet >=3.0.2,<3.1.0 
|   |-- idna >=2.5,<2.8 
|   `-- urllib3 >=1.21.1,<1.25 
|-- six >=1.9
|-- sqlalchemy >=0.6.6
`-- xlrd >=0.8.0
ckanext-report 0.1 Framework for defining reports in CKAN
ckanext-spatial 0.2 Geo-related plugins for CKAN
ckantoolkit 0.0.3 UNKNOWN
click 6.7 A simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities.
cryptography 2.7 cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers.
|-- asn1crypto >=0.21.0
|-- cffi >=1.8,<1.11.3 || >1.11.3
|   `-- pycparser * 
|-- enum34 *
|-- ipaddress *
`-- six >=1.4.1
fanstatic 0.12 Flexible static resources for web applications.
|-- paste *
`-- webob *
flask 0.12.4 A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions
|-- click >=2.0
|-- itsdangerous >=0.21
|-- jinja2 >=2.4
|   `-- markupsafe >=0.23 
`-- werkzeug >=0.7
flask-babel 0.11.2 Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications
|-- babel >=2.3
|   `-- pytz >=0a 
|-- flask *
|   |-- click >=2.0 
|   |-- itsdangerous >=0.21 
|   |-- jinja2 >=2.4 
|   |   `-- markupsafe >=0.23 
|   `-- werkzeug >=0.7 
`-- jinja2 >=2.5
    `-- markupsafe >=0.23 
genshi 0.7.3 A toolkit for generation of output for the web
geoalchemy 0.7.2 Using SQLAlchemy with Spatial Databases
`-- sqlalchemy >=0.6.1
geoalchemy2 0.5.0 Using SQLAlchemy with Spatial Databases
`-- sqlalchemy >=0.8
gevent 1.2.2 Coroutine-based network library
`-- greenlet >=0.4.10
google-compute-engine 2.8.13 Google Compute Engine
|-- boto *
|-- distro *
`-- setuptools *
greenlet 0.4.12 Lightweight in-process concurrent programming
gunicorn 19.10.0 WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX
jinja2 2.10.3 A very fast and expressive template engine.
`-- markupsafe >=0.23
jsonschema 2.4.0 An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python
kombu 3.0.37 Messaging library for Python
|-- amqp >=1.4.9,<2.0
`-- anyjson >=0.3.3
lepl 5.1.3 A Parser Library for Python 2.6+/3+: Recursive Descent; Full Backtracking
lxml 4.6.1 Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API.
markdown 3.1.1 Python implementation of Markdown.
`-- setuptools >=36
messytables 0.15.2 Parse messy tabular data in various formats
|-- chardet >=2.3.0
|-- html5lib *
|   |-- six >=1.9 
|   `-- webencodings * 
|-- json-table-schema >=0.2,<=0.2.1
|-- lxml >=3.2
|-- python-dateutil >=1.5.0
|-- python-magic >=0.4.12
|-- requests *
|   |-- certifi >=2017.4.17 
|   |-- chardet >=3.0.2,<3.1.0 
|   |-- idna >=2.5,<2.8 
|   `-- urllib3 >=1.21.1,<1.25 
`-- xlrd >=0.8.0
newrelic New Relic Python Agent
ofs 0.4.2 OFS - provides plugin-orientated low-level blobstore.
`-- argparse *
owslib 0.8.6 OGC Web Service utility library
|-- python-dateutil >=1.5
`-- pytz *
pairtree 0.7.1-T Pairtree FS implementation.
passlib 1.6.5 comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes
paste Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
pastescript 2.0.2 A pluggable command-line frontend, including commands to setup package file layouts
|-- paste >=1.3
|-- pastedeploy *
|   `-- setuptools * 
`-- six *
pika 1.1.0 Pika Python AMQP Client Library
ply 3.4 Python Lex & Yacc
polib 1.0.7 A library to manipulate gettext files (po and mo files).
progressbar 2.3 Text progress bar library for Python.
psycopg2 psycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter
pylons 0.9.7 Pylons Web Framework
|-- beaker >=1.2.2
|   `-- funcsigs * 
|-- decorator >=2.3.2
|-- formencode >=1.2.1
|   `-- six * 
|-- mako >=0.2.4
|   `-- markupsafe >=0.9.2 
|-- nose >=0.10.4
|-- paste >=1.7.2
|-- pastedeploy >=1.3.3
|   `-- setuptools * 
|-- pastescript >=1.7.3
|   |-- paste >=1.3 
|   |-- pastedeploy * 
|   |   `-- setuptools * 
|   `-- six * 
|-- routes >=1.10.3
|   `-- repoze.lru >=0.3 
|-- simplejson >=2.0.8
|-- tempita >=0.2
|-- weberror >=0.10.1
|   |-- paste >=1.7.1 
|   |-- pygments * 
|   |-- tempita * 
|   `-- webob * 
|-- webhelpers >=0.6.4
|   `-- markupsafe >=0.9.2 
|-- webob >=
`-- webtest >=1.1
    `-- webob * 
pyopenssl 18.0.0 Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library
|-- cryptography >=2.2.1
|   |-- asn1crypto >=0.21.0 
|   |-- cffi >=1.8,<1.11.3 || >1.11.3 
|   |   `-- pycparser * 
|   |-- enum34 * 
|   |-- ipaddress * 
|   `-- six >=1.4.1 
`-- six >=1.5.2
pyparsing 2.4.7 Python parsing module
pysolr 3.6.0 Lightweight python wrapper for Apache Solr.
`-- requests >=2.9.1
    |-- certifi >=2017.4.17 
    |-- chardet >=3.0.2,<3.1.0 
    |-- idna >=2.5,<2.8 
    `-- urllib3 >=1.21.1,<1.25 
python-dateutil 1.5 Extensions to the standard python 2.3+ datetime module
python-magic 0.4.15 File type identification using libmagic
pytz 2016.7 World timezone definitions, modern and historical
pyutilib.component.core 4.6.4 The PyUtilib Component Architecture.
`-- six *
pyyaml 5.3.1 YAML parser and emitter for Python
redis 2.10.6 Python client for Redis key-value store
repoze.who 2.3 repoze.who is an identification and authentication framework for WSGI.
|-- setuptools *
|-- webob *
`-- zope.interface *
    `-- setuptools * 
repoze.who-friendlyform 1.0.8 Collection of repoze.who friendly form plugins
|-- repoze.who >=1.0
|   |-- setuptools * 
|   |-- webob * 
|   `-- zope.interface * 
|       `-- setuptools * (circular dependency aborted here)
|-- webob >=0.9.7
`-- zope.interface *
    `-- setuptools * 
requests 2.20.1 Python HTTP for Humans.
|-- certifi >=2017.4.17
|-- chardet >=3.0.2,<3.1.0
|-- idna >=2.5,<2.8
`-- urllib3 >=1.21.1,<1.25
rfc3987 1.3.8 Parsing and validation of URIs (RFC 3986) and IRIs (RFC 3987)
routes 1.13 Routing Recognition and Generation Tools
`-- repoze.lru >=0.3
rq 0.6.0 RQ is a simple, lightweight, library for creating background jobs, and processing them.
|-- click >=3.0
`-- redis >=2.7.0
shapely 1.7.1 Geometric objects, predicates, and operations
simplejson 3.10.0 Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
sqlalchemy 1.1.11 Database Abstraction Library
sqlalchemy-migrate 0.10.0 Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy
|-- decorator *
|-- pbr >=1.3,<2.0
|-- six >=1.7.0
|-- sqlalchemy >=0.7.8,<0.9.5 || >0.9.5
|-- sqlparse *
`-- tempita >=0.4
sqlparse 0.2.2 Non-validating SQL parser
tzlocal 1.3 tzinfo object for the local timezone
`-- pytz *
unicodecsv 0.14.1 Python2's stdlib csv module is nice, but it doesn't support unicode. This module is a drop-in replacement which *does*.
urllib3 1.24.3 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.
vdm 0.14 A versioned domain model framework.
webhelpers 1.3 Web Helpers
`-- markupsafe >=0.9.2
webob 1.0.8 WSGI request and response object
webtest 1.4.3 Helper to test WSGI applications
`-- webob *
werkzeug 0.15.6 The comprehensive WSGI web application library.
xlrd 1.2.0 Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) spreadsheet files
zope.interface 4.3.2 Interfaces for Python
`-- setuptools *
cp requirements/requirements.txt ckan/requirements.txt
avdata99 commented 3 years ago

To QA this we need just to run ´make update-dependencies´ in this repo Yesterday I did it and the dependencies were updated as I expect

woodt commented 3 years ago

Confirmed! requirements updated.