User Story
As a challenge manager, I want a clear, consise guide to planning, designing, managing, and concluding federal prize competitions.
Acceptance Criteria
Revised content drafted for each stage of the prize competiton lifecycle: discovery, design, set-up and approval, challenge management, and post-award.
Content updates
[x] Preparation/Getting Started
[ ] Discovery
[ ] Design
[ ] Set-up and Approval
[ ] Challenge Management
[ ] Post-Award
Publish content
[ ] Meet with dev team to create plan for posting on
User Story As a challenge manager, I want a clear, consise guide to planning, designing, managing, and concluding federal prize competitions.
Acceptance Criteria Revised content drafted for each stage of the prize competiton lifecycle: discovery, design, set-up and approval, challenge management, and post-award.
Content updates
Publish content
Challenge & Prize community feedback