User Story
As a customer of, I want to have a smooth customer experience through a transition in leadership.
Acceptance Criteria
Create a series of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to support a leadership transition for the Open Innovation Program. SOPs will describe the process, cadence, link to relevant documents or folders, and identify PMO team points of contact.
SOPs to develop:
[ ] Social media content (describe process, cadence, link to docs, team PoCs)
[ ] Public newsletter content
[ ] Federal newsletter content
[ ] Challenge listing approvals
[ ] account approvals
[ ] Website content updates
[ ] Access to challenge follower lists on GovDelivery
User Story As a customer of, I want to have a smooth customer experience through a transition in leadership.
Acceptance Criteria Create a series of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to support a leadership transition for the Open Innovation Program. SOPs will describe the process, cadence, link to relevant documents or folders, and identify PMO team points of contact.
SOPs to develop: