GSA / ckanext-geodatagov extension
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Transform issues #90

Open jacimize opened 9 years ago

jacimize commented 9 years ago

I received an email with someone asking about the transform issues and an error that they were getting. (I am the original author of the transform and worked with Doug, Anna, and Ted on subsequent versions.) Here is an excerpt from the email about the error: Error: The transformation service returned an error for object {0}: [409] net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the value in 'cast as' expression Transformation to ISO failed

Kishore has informed me that this error relates specifically to repeated occurrences of within a single section. He says that the ISO Transform rule allows only a single occurrence within a section in order for a CSDGM record to successfully transform to ISO.

There seems to be issues with the transform when it comes to multiple links and multiple originator tags. I have narrowed down the issues to commented out sections and new ones rewritten.

Look at lines 2498-2534 and lines 921-3928. These edits seem to be the issues. I am wondering if there were some issues that caused these edits to the functioning transforms.

I'd be happy to work with someone on fixing transform issues as time allows.


kvuppala commented 9 years ago

@jacimize Thank you for bringing this to our attention, the above mentioned edits were made to support this feature request #86 , which seem to have impacted other FGDC datasets harvesting.

CC @hyoon @philipashlock @FuhuXia

kvuppala commented 9 years ago

similar to #91

kvuppala commented 9 years ago

More documentation and proposed solution (option 2) is available @