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Static Site tests run on GitHub Actions #3513

Closed jbrown-xentity closed 1 year ago

jbrown-xentity commented 2 years ago

User Story

In order to get off of CircleCi, admins want static sites (see wiki for list) to be tested on GitHub Actions and all CircleCi code to be removed.

Acceptance Criteria

[ACs should be clearly demoable/verifiable whenever possible. Try specifying them using BDD.]


Should be straightforward, we've done this on many CKAN repositories as well as the dashboard.

Security Considerations (required)

None, all of the code is open to the public already.


jbrown-xentity commented 1 year ago

See example porting for resources: We should take this on soon, as federation is currently blocked:

btylerburton commented 1 year ago will be left off the list of conversions. Currently the site is creating Federalist builds successfully, and any attempt to upgrade to GH Actions and a supported version of Ruby results in build errors in the plugins; alternately, Federalist will fail the build when forced to use an unsupported version of Ruby.

GH Actions error with Ruby 3.1:

jekyll 3.9.2 | Error:  undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass

['meta'].each do |indicator_id, meta|
/Users/brendantburton/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.1.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/jekyll-open-sdg-plugins-0.0.16/lib/jekyll-open-sdg-plugins/multilingual_metadata.rb:14:in `block in generate': undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

['meta'].each do |indicator_id, meta|

Federalist error with Ruby 2.6:

2022-12-16 19:53:33 INFO [setup-ruby] Using ruby version in .ruby-version

2022-12-16 19:53:34 INFO [setup-ruby] Required ruby-2.6.0 is not installed.

2022-12-16 19:53:34 INFO [setup-ruby] To install do: 'rvm install "ruby-2.6.0"'

2022-12-16 19:53:34 ERROR [setup-ruby] ERROR: Unsupported ruby version specified in .ruby-version.

2022-12-16 19:53:34 ERROR [setup-ruby] Please upgrade to an actively supported version, see for details.

2022-12-16 19:53:34 ERROR [main] There was a problem setting up Ruby, see the above logs for details.
btylerburton commented 1 year ago

Quick followup: I was able to remove Circelci from by not implementing the reusable template.