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Fix integration tests in harvesting logic repo #4706

Open rshewitt opened 2 months ago

rshewitt commented 2 months ago

all integration tests for harvesting logic repo on main should pass out-of-the-box

How to reproduce

  1. pull down main
  2. run integration tests via poetry run pytest --ignore=./tests/unit --ignore=./tests/database

Expected behavior

all integration tests pass

Actual behavior

some integration tests fail


rshewitt commented 2 months ago

on the topic of integration tests, we may want to have another discussion on what we consider an integration test ( i.e. a test of multiple parts of an application acting together vs. a unit test that actually interacts with a service ). the repo should make sense to the team and not be confusing.

rshewitt commented 2 months ago

two of the tests ( retrieving a task and cancelling a task ) are failing

rshewitt commented 2 months ago

it seems that getting a task by name isn't reliable. Using the guid cf assigns the task works.