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O+M 2024-04-29 #4719

Closed FuhuXia closed 1 month ago

FuhuXia commented 2 months ago

As part of day-to-day operation of, there are many Operation and Maintenance (O&M) responsibilities. Instead of having the entire team watching notifications and risking some notifications slipping through the cracks, we have created an O&M Triage role. One person on the team is assigned the Triage role which rotates each sprint. This is not meant to be a 24/7 responsibility, only East Coast business hours. If you are unavailable, please note when you will be unavailable in Slack and ask for someone to take on the role for that time.

Check the O&M Rotation Schedule for future planning.

Acceptance criteria

You are responsible for all O&M responsibilities this week. We've highlighted a few so they're not forgotten. You can copy each checklist into your daily report.

Daily Checklist

Weekly Checklist

Monthly Checklist

ad-hoc checklist


FuhuXia commented 2 months ago

catalog repo github action starts to fail at "make test". No PR can go thru. Will create a ticket if the fix goes beyond white noise threshold.

Attaching to test-1
test-1  | npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: wait-on@7.2.0
btylerburton commented 2 months ago

Weird. It installs fine locally. Thanks for keeping an eye.

FuhuXia commented 2 months ago

Harvest source URL was updated from to But harvest request has been blocked by since 4/26. Email sent to request unblock.