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handle edge case #4729

Closed FuhuXia closed 2 months ago

FuhuXia commented 2 months ago

This will stop scaling failure as in

The cause: The grep command will result in two lines output from this $app_status input, therefore $total_instances fails to be validated as a number in the [[ "$total_instances" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] check. We only need to first line.

name:              catalog-web
requested state:   started
routes:            catalog-prod-datagov.apps.internal
last uploaded:     Fri 03 May 15:08:40 UTC 2024
stack:             cflinuxfs4
    name                                            version   detect output   buildpack name   0.3.5                     apt
    python_buildpack                                1.8.23    python          python

type:           web
instances:      5/5
memory usage:   850M
     state     since                  cpu      memory           disk           logging               details
#0   running   2024-05-03T18:45:38Z   198.5%   751.2M of 850M   869.5M of 2G   589B/s of unlimited   
#1   running   2024-05-03T18:46:11Z   243.5%   743.9M of 850M   869.5M of 2G   1.5K/s of unlimited   
#2   running   2024-05-03T18:46:40Z   187.4%   744.1M of 850M   869.5M of 2G   1.6K/s of unlimited   
#3   running   2024-05-03T18:47:12Z   305.9%   775.1M of 850M   869.5M of 2G   925B/s of unlimited   
#4   running   2024-05-03T18:47:55Z   240.0%   755.5M of 850M   869.5M of 2G   1.6K/s of unlimited   

type:           web
instances:      0/1
memory usage:   850M
     state      since                  cpu    memory     disk       logging        details
#0   starting   2024-05-03T19:16:09Z   0.0%   0B of 0B   0B of 0B   0B/s of 0B/s   cat