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re-evaluate paging loading speed after ckan 2.11 release in catalog-next #4798

Open FuhuXia opened 1 week ago

FuhuXia commented 1 week ago

With recent view count turned on, catalog dataset listing page loading speed is slow, average 6+ seconds, 8.25 seconds as shown in the screen shot. There are multiple factors playing a role to affect the speed, as noticed in research done for

CKAN release 2.11 is expected to receive a dataset rendering enhancement. We should disable all customizations and evaluate the page loading speed after upgrading to CKAN 2.11, preferably on a catalog-next instance. If the speed improvement is significant, we can remove all customizations to simplify the system.


btylerburton commented 1 week ago

We've set an arbitrary milestone of 10/24 to check if CKAN has released 2.11 yet.