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Catalog UI Redesign #4848

Open Bagesary opened 4 weeks ago

Bagesary commented 4 weeks ago


We want to redesign the major UI elements of

Given above purpose, conducting research, design and prototyping is needed to provide designs options.

Findings will be demonstrated and specific future actions will be decided.

Acceptance Criteria

[ACs should be clearly demo-able/verifiable whenever possible. Try specifying them using BDD.]


[Any helpful contextual notes or links to artifacts/evidence, if needed]


Design Prototype

[Notes or a checklist reflecting our plan for tackling the uncertainty]

Ccacioli-Rei commented 3 weeks ago

Requirements and inspirations: Catalog List:

Ccacioli-Rei commented 2 weeks ago

@btylerburton @tdlowden Created a secondary color palette for, a bigger variety of color palette will help differentiate tags and files type on the "Catalog" page. You can see the colors on the link below under the Style Guide on the left menu.

I have started working on the catalog page mockup. I am working on the "Revision 1" files under the left menu on the link below:

During my search stage of the project, I found the link for and I am not sure what kind of frame they are using for those two pages, but I was wondering if that is something we could explore?

tdlowden commented 2 weeks ago

My first reaction is that I like the direction you are heading! Looking forward to talking about this more. I even like the "Revision 1 - Old Version" concept with the thinner header maybe more than the current one in the "Revision 1" section. Will be interested to hear others' thoughts.

I noticed the 2 sites you pointed to: UVA and DC, look like they were both using ArcGISHub: image

CarolinaC-REI commented 2 weeks ago

@tdlowden Thank you for the feedback, the "Revision 1 - Old Version" is a version we created a year ago based on the old site. I would recommend keeping the header consistent throughout the site. I will schedule a call with you and @btylerburton next week, to review it before presenting to the whole team for feedback.

btylerburton commented 1 week ago

@Ccacioli-Rei I wanted to drop this in as another source for inspiration. I really like how clean the interface in spite of the fact that they're managing huge amount of datasets under the hood:

General search:

Dataset page:

CarolinaC-REI commented 1 week ago

@btylerburton Perfect, thank you for sending the inspiration link. That is super helpful.