In order to identify memory leaks in the harvester, datagovteam wants to conduct a formal analysis using industry standard memory profiling tools.
Acceptance Criteria
[ACs should be clearly demoable/verifiable whenever possible. Try specifying them using BDD.]
[ ] GIVEN I have integrated a memory profiler into the datagov-harvester codebase
AND it has been tested locally and show to perform
THEN I want to push it to and run a proper load test of a large harvest source, such as DOI.
[Any helpful contextual notes or links to artifacts/evidence, if needed]
Discussed whether breaking the harvest up into discrete processes: extract, transform, validate, sync/load will make this a non-issue. We can leave this ticket as a might-do just in case that doesn't work.
User Story
In order to identify memory leaks in the harvester, datagovteam wants to conduct a formal analysis using industry standard memory profiling tools.
Acceptance Criteria
[ACs should be clearly demoable/verifiable whenever possible. Try specifying them using BDD.]
[Any helpful contextual notes or links to artifacts/evidence, if needed]
Security Considerations (required)
[Any security concerns that might be implicated in the change. "None" is OK, just be explicit here!]