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Revamp Local Government Topic to feature national data initiatives #626

Open rebeccawilliams opened 9 years ago

rebeccawilliams commented 9 years ago


philipashlock commented 9 years ago

:+1: :heart: :heart: :heart:

This might actually be less about revamping the local government topic and more about enabling dynamic "landing pages" for initiatives/standards that are applicable across disparate sources. The same approach is also applicable for federal agencies and would be similar to how we handle the catalog view for topics, but would be more dynamic and less highly curated on the side.

For example, currently there's a link at the bottom of to specific search results on, but ideally there would be a specific tag identifying curated datasets that this would link to. For the most part this would simply be a curated view of datasets in the catalog, but it would be nice for it to also include a brief paragraph at the top along with a small graphic, like in this case the Not Alone logo. This would be a more lightweight approach to the traditional way of managing topics.

Technically, other than enabling that intro paragraph and logo on the catalog view, the functionality for this is already in place. The one big non-technical thing that's needed here is to provide guidance on how to tag the source metadata so that cities and agencies that want to identify datasets that fit into each of these initiatives or standards can do that and have the curation managed at the source.

For data standards, the current guidance is meant to have folks use the describedBy with the canonical URL for the standard. However for broader initiatives or things that don't have standards, we should support another approach to tagging, e.g. using the keyword or theme fields.