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Update metrics page to include non-federal metrics #762

Closed philipashlock closed 7 years ago

philipashlock commented 7 years ago

Let's rename the title of the page at from "Federal Agency Participation" to "Metrics" (I also welcome other suggestions).

Then current content on this page should have a heading that reads "Federal Agency Participation" but above that heading there should be metrics on data non-federal data sources broken down by the granularity we have specified by organization, e.g. County, City, State, etc.

Separately, we can consider other metrics to add on this page, such as datasets that don't yet link to data resources, e.g. "unpublished datasets" as well as metrics by accessLevel, e.g. non-public datasets. We can start a separate issue for deciding how to display those metrics though

John123Yu commented 7 years ago

Hi I've started adding NonFederal Data to the metrics page. The current layout that I have is similar to how it was before with Federal Metrics, followed by Other Federal Metrics. Then after that, new tables (non federal data) are appended. Current layout is like this:

Federal Agencies/Publishers (From before) Other Federal Agencies (From before) City Government Agencies Commercial Agencies Cooperative Agencies County Government Agencies Non-Profit Agencies Other Non-Federal Agencies State Government Agencies Tribal Agencies University Agencies

Any suggestions to edit this format/ordering? Any new headers to add?

kvuppala commented 7 years ago

@philipashlock @hkdctol

With 9 more different sections and the corresponding organizations the page might look really long.

Instead for non federal organizations data, should we just create one table with organization name, organization type (new column to state type of organization), # of datasets, Latest Entry?

Alternatively, we could just do one table for both federal and non federal organizations with "Organizaiton Type" additional column.

John123Yu commented 7 years ago

Just so you guys can reference what the page currently looks like, zoomed out.

screen shot 2017-04-25 at 2 27 32 pm screen shot 2017-04-25 at 2 27 47 pm screen shot 2017-04-25 at 2 27 55 pm screen shot 2017-04-25 at 2 28 02 pm screen shot 2017-04-25 at 2 28 11 pm
kvuppala commented 7 years ago

@John123Yu Thank you

I think we should also add more details to the summary section at the bottom to show the count by Federal, State, County etc which in total adds up to the total count on the catalog. Also we could move this whole summary section to the top.

Also we can update the overview section to reflect the full metrics we are going to display, suggest any changes that need to take place on that.

John123Yu commented 7 years ago

Here's an update on how the page looks now. We added a table to top of page that shows dataset count by organization type. If you click on one of the organizations, it scrolls down to the corresponding section. The up arrow/triangle scrolls the user back to the dataset count table. Suggestions are greatly welcomed.

Here are two screenshots:

screen shot 2017-04-27 at 2 31 15 pm screen shot 2017-04-27 at 2 30 29 pm
kvuppala commented 7 years ago

Metrics page is now updated to include non federal agencies metrics as well.