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Implementation of ISO 19115-3 Geospatial Metadata Standard #764

Open LyndaW opened 7 years ago

LyndaW commented 7 years ago

Given the FGDC endorsement of ISO 19115-1 and the pending endorsement of the associated 19115-3 implementation schema, there is a need to enable to process, validate, and display metadata formatted to the standard.

kalxas commented 7 years ago

At this moment the FGDC metadata are transformed into ISO-19115-1 during metadata ingestion to CKAN and CSW. I assume this request is for native support of ISO-19115-1 records.

LyndaW commented 7 years ago

Yes, native support to ingest ISO 19115-1:2014 metadata records. CSDGM (FGDC) metadata are currently transformed to ISO 19115-2:2009 (19115 extension).

kalxas commented 7 years ago

ah, sorry, you mean the 2014 version of the specification.

theresaanna commented 6 years ago

Internal note: This feels like an epic. What level of effort is required for implementation of what is described?

kalxas commented 6 years ago

This effort would require to implement ISO 19115-3 support in various places:

  1. The Java app that uses to transform FGDC to ISO currently
  2. In CKAN spatial extension
  3. In OWSlib
  4. In pycsw for the CSW endpoint