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Revise Presentation (XSLT) of Geospatial Metadata in Search Results #765

Open LyndaW opened 7 years ago

LyndaW commented 7 years ago

Improve quality of information presented in search results by more fully utilizing geospatial metadata. Issue developed in response to USGS (Dawson) inquiry: "I am trying to find documentation as to how the fields under "Access and Use Information" for a dataset/catalog entry get populated -- 1) what is the complete list of parameters possible in this section?
2) from which metadata fields are these parameters populated? 3) how is it determined what language is used here and are there standardized values/variables we have to use in the original metadata? My USGS office develops policy and standards for public release of certain types of USGS water data, which are automatically cataloged in In looking at some of our recent data releases, I noticed the pages state that "No license information was provided..." and also that other datasets have multiple fields populated in this section (like "Public...") that don't display for datasets my office has helped release. I'd like to rectify this by updating our original metadata files, but I don't know what corrections to make. All the datasets I am dealing with are fed gov works in the public domain, and we don't want users to have to track down the original authors or originating offices to ask. I asked the folks who manage the USGS data repository in which we store the original files, but they are not familiar with this issue."


theresaanna commented 6 years ago

How should this information be conveyed?