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problem in online services mapping from CSDGM to ISO 19139 conversion #788

Open kvuppala opened 7 years ago

kvuppala commented 7 years ago

From Geoplatform Team:

The problem we are seeing is this:

The information about online services (e.g., Esri REST or OGC WMS), while correctly specified in a source CSDGM document according to the FGDC recommendations and guidelines, is not properly mapped into the ISO 19139 target. We assume the cause to be the XSL script is out-of-sync with the updated FGDC recommendations and guidelines.

We will use this dataset to illustrate the problem we are seeing with CSDGM -> ISO 19139 transformations:

  1. An online service specified in source CSDGM (GOOD- this is in accordance with FGDC recommendations and guidelines). See attached snippet in case the xml indenting doesn't transmit here.

...Line 327 :

Shaded Relief Only Base Map (OGC WMS) 1.3.0 An OGC WMS Map Service for visualizing 1/3 arc-second elevation data as shaded relief. NONE
  1. Same online service in resulting/transformed target ISO 19139 (BAD- not in accordance with FGDC recommendations and guidelines). See attached snippet in case the xml indenting doesn't transmit here. ... line 551:

    Shaded Relief Only Base Map (OGC WMS) 1.3.0 ... line 835: Shaded Relief Only Base Map (OGC WMS) An OGC WMS Map Service for visualizing 1/3 arc-second elevation data as shaded relief.
  2. This is what the same online service in CSDGM source should like in transformed ISO 19139 (see attached snippet)

    Shaded Relief Only Base Map (OGC WMS) HTTP Shaded Relief Only Base Map (OGC WMS) An OGC WMS Map Service for visualizing 1/3 arc-second elevation data as shaded relief.

-- Are we correct to assume the XSL script used by needs to be updated to implement the mappings per the updated FGDC recommendations and guidelines? Any corrections, clarifications or insights regarding the above observations are appreciated!