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CKAN metrics/GA integration with CKAN 2.3 #790

Closed kvuppala closed 6 years ago

kvuppala commented 7 years ago

Currently has only broken link report and the current repo is

Look into other reports offered on the below, and study the feasibility of enabling them on

John123Yu commented 7 years ago

@JJediny @kvuppala @hkdctol @philipashlock

Hey as per this morning's meeting, I've been looking for different analytics extensions. It does appear that the ckanext-ga-report extension is the best one available. There is a stat analytics extension: that provides limited information. Click the link to get an overview of what it provides.

It appears that the main google analytics extensions are: - - I was not able to find any other google analytics ckan extensions.

I believe we are already using the ckanext-googleanalytics extension. The ckanext-ga-report will add additional information, especially those that will give insight to users. Here's what the README for ckanext-ga-report says:

"Whereas ckanext-googleanalytics focusses on providing page view stats a recent period and for all time (aimed at end users), ckanext-ga-report is more interested in building regular periodic reports (more for site managers to monitor)."

The ckanext-ga-report allows access to google analytics information, and this metrics/dimensions page provides documentation on what information can be queried/accessed:

With that said, the analytics being downloaded by the ckanext-ga-report has not been updated in 3 years. Some of the metrics being queried through the API have been deprecated. In that same time, google analytics has also added new metrics and dimensions that can be queried. I will spend time reading through the documentation on additional metrics that we can add. These metrics will be of use to users and ourselves. I will provide updates as I work through them.

John123Yu commented 6 years ago

@JJediny @kvuppala @hkdctol @philipashlock

Here is the current state of the ga-report extension. Please take a look and feedback would be appreciated. There are still many details to fix and improve upon.

JJediny commented 6 years ago

@John123Yu @kvuppala lets ship it as soon as we can

John123Yu commented 6 years ago

@JJediny @kvuppala @hkdctol @philipashlock

GA report extension is now on BSP Dev. It is working well with Chrome, but there are some bugs with internet explorer which I will resolve later. It has the latest changes we discussed during the meeting.

The navigation to the GA report is not yet ready.

John123Yu commented 6 years ago

@JJediny @kvuppala @hkdctol @philipashlock

The latest changes, including adding metrics sub-navigation bar is now on the Metrics Page, Full History Page, and Site Usage page for BSP DEV and OSCIT . We modified the sidebar for Site-usage page to be like the side bar on the resources page, making the theming more consistent.

John123Yu commented 6 years ago

@JJediny @hkdctol @philipashlock @kvuppala

This has been pushed to production.

Currently we are downloading all the GA data dating back to July 2014. I will inform when all the data has been downloaded.