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Guidance Request for Reference # in Ports, Protocols, Services table #537

Open ctraftoncodes opened 7 months ago

ctraftoncodes commented 7 months ago

NOTE: For feedback related to the OSCAL syntax itself, please create or add to an issue in the NIST OSCAL Repository.

section 4.9, page 33


There is no field shown in the example that displays what OSCAL data should fill out the Reference # column. If the guidance could be updated to explicitly state what should go in this column and where in the OSCAL that data can be found, that would be helpful.


Clarification on the field in question.

Rene2mt commented 6 months ago

The Reference # column in table 9.1 is intended to refer to one of the cryptographic modules in appendix Q.

This concept in OSCAL is achieved by:

For example:

  <!-- user -->
  <component uuid="uuid-of-service" type="service">
    <title>[SAMPLE]Service Name</title>
    <description><p>Describe the service</p></description>
    <purpose>Describe the purpose the service is needed.</purpose>
    <link href="uuid-of-component-used-by" rel="used-by" />
    <link href=" uuid-of-component-provided-by" rel="provided-by" />

    <!-- REFERENCE # --> 
    <link href=" uuid-of-cryptographic-module-component" rel="depends-on" />     

    <status state="operational" />
    <protocol name="http">
      <port-range start="80" end="80" transport="TCP"/>
    <protocol name="https">
      <port-range start="443" end="443" transport="TCP"/>
<!-- Repeat the component assembly for each row in Table 9.1 -->
<!-- system-inventory -->

The following changes will be made: