GSA / fedramp-automation

FedRAMP Automation
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Resolved profile catalogs are missing props #563

Open Rene2mt opened 4 months ago

Rene2mt commented 4 months ago

This relates to ...

What happened?

The FedRAMP rev 5 resolved profile catalogs parameters are missing the "aggregate" props. The props are in the source catalog but were likely omitted during profile resolution.

Relevant log output

No response

How do we replicate this issue?

Compare FedRAMP baseline to source catalog. For example,

         <param id="ac-1_prm_1">
            <label>organization-defined personnel or roles</label>

whereas the source catalog has

         <param id="ac-1_prm_1">
            <prop name="aggregates"
            <prop name="aggregates"
            <label>organization-defined personnel or roles</label>

Where, exactly?

For the high baseline:

Likely the same param for applicable controls in the moderate and low baselines.

Other relevant details

No response

Rene2mt commented 1 month ago

This error is due to the profile resolver which is part of a submodule used by this repository's CI/CD pipeline see XSLT profile resolver v1.0.6. Upgrading the submodule from version 1.0.* to 1.1.* will will fix profile resolution (including missing labels on props) BUT will break the other FedRAMP CI/CD pipeline workflows.

This fix is blocked by issue #592.

As workaround:

Rene2mt commented 2 days ago

PR # will fix this issue. Additionally, it makes other changes ensure the catalog alterations in the FedRAMP profiles will produce resolved profile catalogs that are valid.