GSA / fedramp-automation

FedRAMP Automation
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[Feedback]: system-implementation/leveraged-authorizations/prop[@name=impact-level] and prop[@name=authorization-type]value options #584

Open Telos-sa opened 2 months ago

Telos-sa commented 2 months ago

This is a ...

concern - something needs to be different

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What is your feedback?

The props for leveraged-authorizations seems to have the same/similar data elements based on the use of these elements in the overall ssp.

For example. In system-characteristic/prop[@name=authorization-type] FedRAMP has defined the following as allowed values: image

However, for the leveraged-authorizations the 'li-saas' option seems to have switched to the prop for impact level.

The allowed values for impact level seem to be a reflection of the sources security-sensitivity-level


But the values defined in leveraged-authorizations do not follow the same format.

Where, exactly?


Other information

Recommendation: system-implementation/leveraged-authorizations/prop[@name=impact-level] allowed values == OSCAL allowed values for system-characteristics/security-sensitivity-level

system-implementation/leveraged-authorizations/prop[@name=authorization-type] allowed values == system-characteristics/prop[@name=authorization-type]

Update the guide to reflect this change, with more detail in leveraged authorizations, Update the SSP template Leveraged Services table to reflect the change in the headers.