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[Feedback]:backmatter/resources structure #596

Open Telos-sa opened 1 month ago

Telos-sa commented 1 month ago

This is a ...

request - need something additional provided

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What is your feedback?

When creating backmatter, what is the recommendation for all appendices that are associated with the SSP? Specifically Appendix B, L, E (content that is defined as included in the legacy SSP but NOT included in OSCAL.

For systems with complex appendices (Q, M). What is the guidance for attaching instead of integrating into the SSP?

Where, exactly?

Appendix L -

should a record of each law be a created resource in the back-matter? If a record of each is included, should this record also include the laws that are pre-defined by FedRAMP, or only additive? Else, if attaching the appendix, which props should it have (policy, laws, standards?) Is there a specific naming convention that will support the OSCAL validation?

Appendix B - Same as above, should each acronym be included as a resource in the backmatter, or the appendix? If just the appendix, should the prop be acronym?

Other information

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