GSA / fedramp-automation

FedRAMP Automation
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HTML guides and automation website pre-release updates #599

Open Rene2mt opened 3 weeks ago

Rene2mt commented 3 weeks ago

This is a ...

improvement - something could be better

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User Story

As a FedRAMP stakeholder (CSP, 3PAO, Agency or Tool Supplier), I need clear guidance and documentation on how to represent the FedRAMP SSP, SAP, SAR, and POA&M in OSCAL, including documented requirements such as FedRAMP allowed values and other FedRAMP data constraints.


FedRAMP automation team is continuing to work towards publishing HTML versions of the OSCAL guides to replace the current PDF versions. The goal of this issue to address prioritized items for the launch of https;// in the summer of 2024. These include issues 2 through 17 (see


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Rene2mt commented 2 weeks ago

Also adding "high priority" items in scope.