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FedRAMP Automation
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SSP Completeness Checks: 7 External Systems and Services Not Having FedRAMP Authorization #808

Open brian-ruf opened 3 weeks ago

brian-ruf commented 3 weeks ago

This is a ...

fix - something needs to be different

This relates to ...

User Story

As a consumer of FedRAMP automated completeness checks I want the following OSCAL-based SSP items to be automatically verified for completeness by metaschema constraints:


SSP Completeness checks are defined, tested and documented


No response

Acceptance Criteria

Other information

No response


brian-ruf commented 5 days ago

There are five scenarios that require tracking as part of External Systems and Services Not Having FedRAMP Authorization:

Scenario 1: A non-authorized service from a FedRAMP leveraged authorization

A service from an underlying leveraged system, where the underlying system is FedRAMP-authorized; however, the service is not included in the underlying system's authorization. (The service is not included in the underlying's system's FedRAMP Marketplace details.)

Scenario 2: An interconnection between this system and an external system

FedRAMP-Authorized System connecting to an external system that may or may not be FedRAMP-authorized.

Scenario 3: A service from an external system other than the leveraged system

FedRAMP-Authorized System using an API or service from an external system:

Scenario 4: A service from this system offered to external systems

FedRAMP-Authorized System offering an API or service for external systems:

Scenario 5: A CLI that connects to leveraged or external systems

FedRAMP-Authorized System using an CLI to manage remote or underlying system:

brian-ruf commented 2 days ago


Data Location UnAuth
from LA
Intercon External
# n/a / Sequential Numbering n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
System/Service/API/CLI Name [1] ./title (required field) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Service Processor Name [1] ./responsible-role[@name='provider']/party-uuid Y Y Y Y
Connection Details (Direction) [1 or 2] ./prop[@name='direction']/@value Y Y Y
Connection Details (Local IPv4 Address) [0+] ./prop[@name='ipv4-address' and @class='local' and @ns='']/@value Y Y
Connection Details (Local IPv6 Address) [0+] ./prop[@name='ipv6-address' and @class='local' and @ns='']/@value Y Y
Connection Details (Local Port) [0+] ./protocol[@name='local']/port-range Y Y
Connection Details (Remote IPv4 Address) [0+] ./prop[@name='ipv4-address' and @class='remote' and @ns='']/@value Y Y Y ?
Connection Details (Remote IP6 Address) [0+] ./prop[@name='ipv6-address' and @class='remote' and @ns='']/@value Y Y Y ?
Connection Details (Remote Port) [0+] ./protocol[@name='remote']/port-range Y Y Y ?
Connection Details (Non-IP Based) [0 or 1] ./prop[@name='non-ip-based-connection' and @ns='']/@value Y
Connection Details (Security) [1] ./prop[@name='' and @ns='']/@value Y Y Y Y Y
Nature of Agreement [1] ./prop[@name='nature-of-agreement' and @ns='']/@value Y Y Y
Still Supported? [1] ./prop[@name='still-supported' and @ns=''] Y Y Y Y
Data Types [1+] ./prop[@name='information-type' and @ns='']/@value Y Y Y Y Y Y
Data Categorization (Confidentiality) [1+] //system-characteristics/system-information/information-type[./categorization[@system='']/information-type-id/text()=./prop[@name='information-type' and @ns='']/@value]/confidentiality-impact/selected Y Y Y Y Y Y
Data Categorization (Integrity) [1+] //system-characteristics/system-information/information-type[./categorization[@system='']/information-type-id/text()=./prop[@name='information-type' and @ns='']/@value]/integrity-impact/selected Y Y Y Y Y Y
Data Categorization (Availability) [1+] //system-characteristics/system-information/information-type[./categorization[@system='']/information-type-id/text()=./prop[@name='information-type' and @ns='']/@value]/availability-impact/selected Y Y Y Y Y Y
Authorized Users [0+] ./responsible-role[@role-id='authorized-users']/party-uuid Y Y Y Y Y
User Authentication Method [0 or 1] ./prop[@name='user-authentication' and @ns=''] Y Y Y Y Y
Other Compliance Programs [0+] ./prop[@name='compliance-program' and @ns='']/@value Y Y Y Y Y
Description [1] OSCAL ./description (Required) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Hosting Environment [1] ./prop[@name='hosting-environment' and @ns=''] Y Y Y Y
Risk [0+] ./prop[@name='risk' and @ns='']/remarks Y Y Y Y Y Y
Impact [0+] ./prop[@name='impact' and @ns='']/remarks Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mitigation [0+] ./prop[@name='mitigation' and @ns='']/remarks Y Y Y Y Y Y
brian-ruf commented 2 days ago


Constraints Needed: