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Governance Definitions (comments) #143

Closed lachellel closed 4 years ago

lachellel commented 5 years ago

Received June 2019 - a federal agency comment for updating governance service definitions


Item Current Text Recommended Change Change Rationale
Enterprise Governance Developing and implementing the policies, rules, and procedures to manage and improve an ICAM program. none    
Auditing & Reporting Monitoring, reviewing, and reporting on an ICAM program's conformance with rules, policies, and requirements. none    
Redress Fixing problems and vulnerabilities that occur during standard operation of an ICAM program. Mitigating risks, threats, and vulnerabilities that occur during operation of an ICAM program. 1) Change "Fixing" to "Mitigating" 2) Change "problems" to "risks, threats" 1) Mitigation is broader than "fixing" and recognizes cannot always eliminate vulnerabilities 2) Risks and threats are broader than "problems".
Recovery Preparing the procedures and assets that would be needed to recover from a security or privacy breach and ensure continuity or service. Preparing the procedures and assets needed to recover from failures or breaches associated with ICAM to ensure the security and continuity of service. 1) Change "a security or privacy breach" to "failures or breaches" 2) Add "associated with ICAM" 3) Add "the security and" 1) Recovery responsibilities must address more than just breaches 2) Limit scope to ICAM 3) Scope must include more than continuity of service
lachellel commented 5 years ago

Alternative comments for governance definitions update

lachellel commented 4 years ago

addressed during architecture update working sessions - closing