GSA / ficam-federation

Information on Federation within the US Federal Government.
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Who is the overall audience? #8

Open lachellel opened 6 years ago

lachellel commented 6 years ago

Who is the overall audience for this playbook?

The current FICAM Roadmap Section 12 (this repo) and Relying Party guidance (this repo) seems to have many different audiences?

Section Page Audience Notes
Introduction Program Managers, Engineers/Architects States that "intended for ICAM Program Managers". However, content assumes a familiarity with technical terminologies. Also states "also contains guidance for implementers and engineers who are looking for guidance around the technical implementation of federation at their agencies". Lack of plain language.
Establish Federation Guidance Program Managers, Policy Information is presented out of order.
Identify Business Considerations Program Managers Information is presented out of order; too generic; lack of plain language. Incorporate shared services.
Understand the RP Environment Program Managers, Engineers/Architects Lack of plain language; relying party is out of nowhere; lack of plain language; focused on assessments.
Determine Applicability to Security and Privacy Controls Program Managers, Engineers/Architects Lack of plain language; could be consolidated into the previous step.
Determine Acceptable Credentials Program Managers, Engineers/Architects Focus more on Analyze User Population; lack of plain language; Analyze user population should be in "Business Considerations"?
Partner with an Identity Provider(s) Program Managers Needs to be updated to focus on shared services; removal of TFP specific terminology; consolidated previous three sections; can just 'reference' capabilities available in govt for certifications
Evaluate Existing Infrastructure Program Managers Out of order; include with understanding the environment
Evaluate Optimal Solution Architecture Engineers/Architects Out of order; update to focus on shared services (enterprise and government wide); divide by G2G, B2G, C2G; architectures could be migrated to the FICAM Architecture: Federation?; use examples versus theoretical;
Integrated with CSP Engineers/Architects Switched context and use of terminology; lack of plain language; repeated from other sections; missing elements are Usability considerations; focus could be on Usability, notice, intent;
Create and Manage User Accounts Engineers/Architects Consolidates too much across internal and external users; tendency to apply internal user policies and processes to external users; focus it on account management principles and patterns for external users; linking patterns are good but wordy; the FAQ is out of context (focused on internal agency users?); account linking and resolving account linking issues should use an example as a story board rather than all the words; align with 800-63-3; table at end is out of order and context
Account Management Program Managers, Engineers/Architects Out of order; should consider account management scenarios and patterns during business considerations; the information is on high level architecture patterns at first then dives into prescriptive items more related to creating and managing user accounts; this is duplicative with 10_step-10

Check with @paul-grassi if NIST is working on a 800-63-3 and federation playbook.