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[Snyk] Upgrade @uswds/uswds from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1 #863

Closed idmken closed 1 year ago

idmken commented 1 year ago

This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.

Snyk has created this PR to upgrade @uswds/uswds from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1.

:information_source: Keep your dependencies up-to-date. This makes it easier to fix existing vulnerabilities and to more quickly identify and fix newly disclosed vulnerabilities when they affect your project.
- The recommended version is **1 version** ahead of your current version. - The recommended version was released **22 days ago**, on 2023-03-13.
Release notes
Package name: @uswds/uswds
  • 3.4.1 - 2023-03-13

    What's new in USWDS 3.4.1

    There were a couple features and bug fixes that we intended to include in USWDS 3.4.0, but inadvertently omitted from that release.

    Features and bug fixes

    Type Package A11y Breaking Description
    Feature usa-in-page-navigation —  Update the URL in the address bar when navigating from the In-Page Navigation. Now users can see the proper anchor link in the address bar when navigating. Thanks @ aduth! (#5068)
    Bug usa-form Fixed invisible link text for links styled as buttons within forms. Now link text does not match the primary button color when nested inside of a form and the usa-button class is present. (#5112)
    Bug usa-header —  Logo text width setting now works as expected. Now the design system respects the value passed to $theme-header-logo-text-width. Thanks @ RSD-accessboard! (#5008)

    Dependencies and security

    No dependency changes

    0 vulnerabilities in regular dependencies (dependencies for USWDS projects installed with npm install uswds)

    1 moderate 33 high vulnerabilities in devDependencies (development dependencies)

    Release TGZ SHA-256 hash: af1cd42c60b73fbbfa9c27b8ee52fb735b1a2234c6b3aa17de5bbf8a9190ca62

  • 3.4.0 - 2023-03-09

    What’s new in USWDS 3.4.0

    Features and bug fixes

    Type Package A11y Breaking Description
    Feature usa-banner —  —  Remove grid dependency from Banner package. Now you no longer need to use the usa-layout-grid package with usa-banner resulting in a much smaller package size. (#5000)
    Feature uswds-core —  Maybe  Output only the modern woff2 font format, unless you need compatibility. Now we output only the woff2 webfont format with our default settings. Since we no longer support IE11 and other old browsers, we no longer need to serve the woff and ttf formats. Teams that need this support can activate it with a new setting: $theme-font-browser-compatibility: true. This is only a breaking change if your project needs to support IE11. (#5108)
    Feature usa-header —  Allow full-page width for the header. You can now set a value of "none" for any max-width setting, including $theme-header-max-width. (#5072)
    Feature usa-in-page-navigation —  Update the URL in the address bar when navigating from the In-Page Navigation. Now users can see the proper anchor link in the address bar when navigating. Thanks @ aduth! (#5068)
    Bug fix usa-alert uswds-core —  —  Set padding to any valid spacing token. Now you can use valid values like 1.5 for $theme-alert-padding-y. Thanks @ aduth! (#5076)
    Bug fix usa-banner Yes Improved display of focus outline on mobile. Now the focus outline is visible all around the banner on mobile devices. Thanks @ jhancock532! (#5013)
    Bug fix usa-footer Yes Use any heading level for the primary links header. Now if you use any heading level for .usa-footer__primary-link without it reverting to an h4 when the JavaScript rebuilds the element for mobile. Thanks @ paulathevalley! (#5044)
    Bug fix usa-header Yes —  Secondary nav is now read properly on screen readers. The separator between nav elements is no longer read on screen readers. (#4963)
    Bug fix usa-link —  —  External link icons and link text now wrap as expected. Now external links break over wrapped lines as expected in any browser. (#5046)
    Bug fix usa-modal —  Interactive form elements like Date Picker now work properly in a modal window. Now any element in a modal should work as expected. (#5049)
    Bug fix usa-step-indicator Yes —  More legible contrast on pending items. Graphical elements related to pending items now meet accessibility standards for contrast ratio. (#5048)
    Bug fix uswds-utilities uswds-core —  —  Outline utility and mixin now accept the 05 token. Now, the .outline-05 utility class and the u-outline('05') mixin should work as expected. (#5079)
    Content —  —  Improved copy in 404 template. We updated the 404 page template copy to follow parallel structure and use active voice. Thanks @ ybom for the Spanish translation! (#5045)
    Guidance —  —  Expanded and improved our Gender Identity and Sex patterns. We've made updates to our pattern guidance and our pattern previews to help provide more practical use cases and up-to-date guidance for these patterns. For more details, see uswds/uswds-site#1994

    Dependencies and security

    Dependency Old version New version
    gulp-dart-scss 1.1.0 Removed
    gulp-mocha —  8.0.0
    mocha 6.2.3 10.2.0
    sass-embedded 1.53.0 1.58.3
    snyk 1.966.0 1.1064.0

    0 vulnerabilities in regular dependencies (dependencies for USWDS projects installed with npm install uswds)

    1 moderate 33 high vulnerabilities in devDependencies (development dependencies)

    Release TGZ SHA-256 hash: 7b0336d95fa6e9f31b27a27424f3a53e84b415e09b5bbff5d9ec8a398fb406d7

from @uswds/uswds GitHub release notes
Commit messages
Package name: @uswds/uswds
  • c397204 Merge pull request #5182 from uswds/release-3.4.1
  • b73c0ad Create uswds-3.4.1-zip-hash.txt
  • 3e731f1 3.4.1
  • bd368b0 Update references to 3.4.1
  • 5d79d7a Merge pull request #5174 from uswds/main
  • 66de591 Merge pull request #5008 from RSD-accessboard/patch-1
  • d1c739b Merge pull request #5112 from uswds/cm-nested-anchor-bttn
  • 57db4f9 Merge pull request #5068 from aduth/aduth-5056-in-page-nav-hash
  • 3163fd1 Fix hash navigation by Enter keypress
  • b051d44 Add clarifying code comments
  • a820446 Add clarifying code comments
  • 45fdaaf Simplify diff
  • 74f658c Set in-page visited link color same as default color
  • cf87c95 Refactor unique ID generator
  • e0d704e Reintroduce anchors for section targets
  • 66e0232 Generate ID for section headings
  • d82568b Avoid instant scroll from assigning hash
  • f61ba8c Nest :not selector within :where selector to prevent added specificity
  • c137ae0 Run prettier
  • 43a2f96 Add note
  • 108d613 Add not:.usa-button selector for links within forms
  • 0b78a24 Extract scrollToCurrentSection as separate init function
  • 95256fb In-Page Navigation: Update page URL when scrolling to section
  • 355f6bc Fixed header-extended logo text width

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