GSA / is a collaboration between GSA and the Federal CIO Council. It is managed by the Identity Assurance and Trusted Access Division in the GSA Office of Government-wide Policy.
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0912-alert-markdown-support #1127

Closed claytonjbarnette closed 6 days ago

claytonjbarnette commented 6 days ago

Added Support for Markdown to all alerts:

Directory: _includes:

They now all support both HTML and Markdown

This is to resolve the issues related to the alerts presenting errors when " " marks are used or when HTML is used inside of an alerts message body, with attributes which require quote marks " ".

Since the content body of an alert to Ruby is a String, it is already surrounded by " " marks, any " " inside of this String will result in an error when Jekyll tries to build. When in doubt you can use the <b></b> or <strong></strong>, <u></u>, or <i></i> HTML tags.

Anchor Tags: When using <a></a> tags inside alert boxes, you have to escape the attributes like so: (notice the \")

<a href=\"someurl\" target=\"_blank\"></a>

Reason: most programming languages will error out when it sees a set of quote marks inside of another set of quote marks.

Site Check:

I have checked alerts on all pages for (the site) this branch after this fix, and they all seem fine except 1, which was not related to " " marks.

Let me know if you have any questions or see any alerts that need my attention.

@SuGhadiali @TheInfinityBeyonder @maxwellfunk