GSA / modernization

Report to the President on IT Modernization
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Comment from email: RFC IT Modernization #34

Open jkraden-gsa opened 6 years ago

jkraden-gsa commented 6 years ago

Concerning IT Modernization Part 1 of 6

After reading some of the stuff I sent earlier I think it may be too confusing for a nontechnical reader and too disorganized for a technical reader so here is a more organized simplification of some of what I thought was already simplified.

Here are some better graphics to help explain network compartmentation with edge cloud connections:

Simplified White House Compartment Overview

Simplified Treasury Network Compartment Overview

Simplified Judicial Network Compartment

Simplified Defense Network Compartment (an Einstein Source)

Simplified USA Overview 1st Option

Simplified USA Overview 2nd Option

Sample Compartment Overview

Simplified OOBM / IPMI Overview

Simplified Partial White House Layered Detail

Simplified Partial White House Connection Detail

Reasons & Process After a Network Breach

Always Use Layered Security Reason for Multiple Layers of Security Preventative Each Layer must be breached for a hack to be completely successful When / If Breached Each Layer has some degree of monitoring and measurement When any layer is breached alerts should start a process to: Identify the breach Isolate to protect each layer as needed Locate and Detect, if any penetration is still on the network If So, Remove the Threat or Otherwise Respond to the Threat Repair any Damage the Threat Caused

  Don't Forget to Finish
    Follow Through - Be Active Start An Investigation
        to restrict or eliminate any future threat from the same source
          To this breached network
          To other networks
        to discourage Future Intrusion attempts
      Locate and Report
        Report Source to Source Network Authority for action
        Report Source to Einstein
          to actively blacklist confirmed hackers
          to improve Einstein's Intelligence
        Report to Cyber Police Force
          Investigate, arrest & prosecute when in jurisdiction
          Actively work with foreign entities to stop hacking from foreign soil
          Actively follow protected foreign hackers for travel outside of protected region
      Log Actions Reported and Actions Taken
        Build a Record of Bad Actors
        Build a Record of Poor Responding Source Network Authorities
      Litigate, Isolate or Block Source

Setting up Security Layers

Cloud Networks Perimeters Compartment Network Edge Cloud Networks The Larger the Cloud the more likely an internal hack will be attempted The Semi Private Perimeter cloud adds layered threat security at Internet Connection Edge clouds add a communication layer to any connected compartment networks Each Compartment Network has dedicated Threat Management between it and its edge clouds Each Compartment Network can communicate to others according to a user’s Authorization Level across its edge clouds IT or Semi-Private Cloud Network is Internet Connected Monitored by Cloud Administrators Monitored by Semi-Private Einstein 2 Cloud OT or Private Cloud Network is Isolated from the Internet (Not Connected) Monitored by Cloud Administrators Monitored by Private Einstein 1 Cloud

Compartment Networks Perimeter On Each Compartment Network Semi Private Side

  1. UTM Between Compartment and Cloud UTM Monitored with an Einstein or Watson cloud UTM Includes Multiple Interfaces and Routing Capable Network Services Network Protection Web Protection Mail Protection Advanced Protection Endpoint Protection Wireless Protection Management for Remote network Ties Site to Site VPN Remote Access Logging & Reporting And Such as to Manage it
  2. On Each Workstation and Server Antivirus Exploit Protection Web Protection Custom Firewall Tamper Protection Private Side
  3. UTM Between Compartment and Cloud UTM Monitored with an Einstein or Watson cloud
  4. On Each Workstation and Server (Note If Operations includes Control Networks then it will have some limitations. Generally Control Manufacturers are behind the curve.) Antivirus Exploit Protection Web Protection Custom Firewall Tamper Protection

    Compartment Network Organization Each network should be separated into sub networks categories ie: Data network Communication network Peripheral Security Network IT Development network Secure Wireless networks IT network Mobile network Guest network DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) network High visibility and most vulnerable servers ie Web Servers (Apache, IIS, Etc) FTP Servers Mail Servers Honeypot network Use the Honey Pot (Fake Networks) as a Reverse Trojan Horse: To attract intruders as a diversion, A way to track catch intruders, A way to teach security to novice administrators To implement other measures to discourage hacks. Isolated Private Networks

  5. IT Maintenance / Monitoring Network A connection to an OOBM (Out Of Bank Management) Port on each switch Management of Switches Monitoring of all Switch Ports A connection to an IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) port on each Workstation Monitoring of individual Workstations Use Monitoring software (ie Solar Winds NTA (Network Traffic Analyzer) Requires a SQL Server, Solar Winds, Runtime SQL Server, IIS (Internet Information Server (Web Server)), and At least 1 Workstation for Monitoring watch the network traffic across all switch ports Associate switch each port to a specific workstation Feed logs to Einstein and Database via One Way Connection
  6. OT Operational or Private Network This network is isolated from all other networks Exception to isolation Oneway communication to other networks (not from) Threat management connection to Operational or Private Cloud The Private Network should have a separate OOBM/IPMI Monitoring similar to the semi-private side.

    In Each Network Compartment Network Threat Protection (Semi Private) Each Network Compartment connects to a Threat Protection Appliance (Universal Threat Management (UTM)) All network compartments sub networks connect to different ports on one appliance Each Threat Protection Appliance will then connect to the WAN (Semi-Private Cloud) Each Network Compartment connects to an appliance for Threat Protection which connects to a WAN (Semi-Private Cloud) Each Semi-Private Network Cloud connects to an appliance for Threat Protection Compartment to Cloud Cloud to Internet Network Threat Protection (Private) Each Network Compartment connect to a Threat Protection Appliance (Universal Threat Management (UTM)) All network compartments sub networks connect to different ports on one appliance Each Threat Protection Appliance will then connect the to Private WAN (Private Cloud) Each Network Compartment connects to an appliance for Threat Protection which connects to a Private WAN (Private Cloud) Each Private Network Cloud connects to an appliance for Threat Protection Compartment to Private Cloud Private Cloud Does Not Connect to the Internet Servers, Appliances, Workstations Set All Server Logging to feed a security database For efficient security Information retrieval and analysis For efficient security information comparison to other servers/appliances/workstations Set All Appliance Logs to feed a security database For efficient security Information retrieval For efficient security information comparison to other servers or appliances All Database Information is analyzed by: Network Administrators Einstein Security Cloud

    Servers, Appliances, Workstations Add Protection with a central control Antivirus Web Security Exploit Security Firewall Tamper Protection Malware Security

Other Security Factors Einstein If Einstein can guard against intrusion it can: Einstein Can: 1) Do Intrusion testing on each Network Security Changes, Each Network Addition, and any Security Policy Changes. 2) Compare my security model up against your proposed draft model a) Show the president the strengths and weaknesses of each in terms a nontechnical person can understand. b) Compare costs both short and long term (My model will cost more short term and probably less long term) c) Compare Time to Implement (My security model will take longer to build and implement) d) Give short term and long term goals and methods to securing the networks short term and long term. e) Help everyone across these United States and not just the Government if it can be made cheap enough. (Note: IBM has a history of price gouging and manipulating when their technology becomes obsolete) f) Etc., Etc., Etc, Our imagination as to what is needed is the l 3) Work to each administrators strengths and understand and help them with their weaknesses. 4) Train network users to be responsible. 5) Can help with isolating protocols to only those that are needed on any network.

With something like Einstein available most likely you folks and I are 'spinning our wheels' because Einstein can probably come up with the solution with the highest probability of success. What is wrong with me that causes my guts to stir and me to really not like what I just said?

David Pinkston

konklone commented 6 years ago

[Attaching linked PDF files.]

2018SampleCompartmentNetworkOverview.pdf 2018Simplified_Defense-NetworkCompartment_Overview.pdf 2018Simplified_Judicial-NetworkCompartment_Overview.pdf 2018Simplified_Treasury-NetworkCompartment_Overview.pdf 2018Simplified_WH-NetworkCompartment_Overview.pdf 2018SimplifiedOOBM-IPMINetworkOverview.pdf 2018SimplifiedPartial-OD-IT-GovtNetworkOverview.pdf 2018SimplifiedPartial-OD-IT-GovtNtwrkOvrOpt2.pdf 2018SimplifiedPartial-WH-Detail-GovtNetworkOverview.pdf 2018SimplifiedPartial-WH-IT Network Detail-GovtNetworkOverview.pdf