The team is preparing for a first “large” send of (100,000) messages. Accepting this partner is in line with the product strategy of supporting high-volume partners in order to ultimately secure paid partnerships.
The team expressed a high level of confidence that with thoughtful batching, the new partner would be successful.
(Cathy & Stvn) talk to Census about batching. Find out what impact of carrier throttling would be. Also potentially review the actual message to ensure it’s one message part
(Carlo?) Watch for what memory does during this week (possibly look for prior spikes and see how high they went / how many messages were going out)
(Ken) Load testing on prod - working through details on Slack
(?) The day before send-day, make final deployments and up the memory on prod.
(?) Clarify any extraordinary “on-call” expectations (which I think are “none” :-) )
(?) Think through the possibilities for avoiding/detecting/mitigating carrier throttling (did not get to it in the session, but clearly high on people’s minds!)
The team is preparing for a first “large” send of (100,000) messages. Accepting this partner is in line with the product strategy of supporting high-volume partners in order to ultimately secure paid partnerships.
The team expressed a high level of confidence that with thoughtful batching, the new partner would be successful.