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The error message for unsupported characters is very hard to find #967

Closed tdlowden closed 6 months ago

tdlowden commented 7 months ago

Spotting the unsupported character error message in this screenshot is very difficult:


We need to make this error:

tdlowden commented 7 months ago

The error status from USWDS looks like an awesome option here

tdlowden commented 7 months ago

This should also probably apply to other possible errors app-wide? maybe that's a separate issue?

terrazoon commented 7 months ago

Chúng tôi nhận thấy trong tài khoản của quý vị có thể có hành vi gian lận. Vui lòng gọi số # ở mặt sau thẻ EBT của quý vị để hủy hoặc đến văn phòng địa phương để lấy thẻ mới. Trả lời DỪNG để dừng nhận tin.

terrazoon commented 7 months ago

DSHS:我们发现您的账户存在潜在欺诈行为。请致电您的 EBT 卡背面的号码废止或前往当地办公 室获取一个新账户。回复 “STOP(退订)” 退订

terrazoon commented 7 months ago

The error message is right under "Final - VI" and starts "You cannot use".

I looked at this with chrome developer tools and the error message is in a span with class "error-message" so I don't know why it looks like regular text instead of red, bold, etc.

heyitsmebev commented 6 months ago

The new error message on the edit text page:
