OpenACR is a digital native Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR). The initial development is based on Section 508 requirements. The main goal is to be able to compare the accessibility claims of digital products and services. A structured, self-validated, machine-readable documentation will provide for this.
The key themes above should include the elements of the short summary doc but can focus on the vision:
Buyers can more easily compare solutions
Managers can finally evaluate what interfaces may limit their staff
Executives can better understand the risks of present digital interfaces
Vendors can provide government better transparency into product accessibility conformance
and the solution:
A machine-readable semantic version that separates content from the presentation layer
An intuitive user interface that empowers software vendors to generate an ACR that can be written in open standards, allowing the product to be extended
An enterprise view where multiple ACRs to be organized and consistently presented
A function that compares ACR versions and tracks changes over time
A built-in validation layer to ensure data quality and integrity
Publications (ideas)
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