GSA / participate-nap4

Participate in the 4th U.S. National Action Plan for Open Government
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Expand Public Participation in the Development of Regulations #6

Open philipashlock opened 7 years ago

philipashlock commented 7 years ago

[submitted through Federal interagency process]

Topline Description

Make it easier for the public to read, respond to, and navigate through regulations, as well as making it easier for agencies to publish, collect comment and organize their regulations and policy documents.

Key Objective(s)

Expand the open source pilot developed by CFPB to additional agencies throughout the government.

Paragraph Description

The open source CFPB eRegulations platform has been expanded and is being used by additional government agencies including live instances with the FEC, ATF, a notice and comment pilot project collecting live public comment with the EPA, and now beginning an engagement with OMB using the platform to organize, track and sort policy documents.

Measurable Metrics

We’re currently in talks with ATF about doing a second engagement to add more functionality and policy documents to their eRegulations platform by Sept. 30th, 2018. OMB will launch their policy reader we’re building by June 2017, and we will likely have a second engagement with them in 2018 to create a policy writer tool.

krusynth commented 6 years ago


We suggest an additional aspect of this commitment to focus on public participation. In particular, increase participatory policymaking and policy discussions with the public on ongoing basis, not just during the normal feedback points in the process. E.g., as policies become outdated over time, they should be able to be flagged by agencies and the public with comments as to how they can be improved.

cosgrovedent commented 6 years ago

cocreation We also suggest that policy discussions and participatory processes include a commitment by policy makers to provide a reasoned response describing how participatory processes feed into policy decisions.

corizarek commented 6 years ago


👍 Would update Paragraph Description to read: The open source CFPB eRegulations platform has been expanded and is being used by additional government agencies including live instances with the FEC, ATF, a notice and comment pilot project collecting live public comment with the EPA, and now beginning an engagement with OMB using the platform to organize, track and sort policy documents. OMB will work with agencies to develop best practices on encouraging increased public participation in the development of regulations as well as encouraging agency responses to publicly close the feedback loop on comments received.

cosgrovedent commented 6 years ago

cocreation Can this commitment focus on the circular/policy level (not just pilots and small-scale one-off approaches)?

GavinRBaker commented 6 years ago

Here's a related idea that could be incorporated into or added alongside:

Topline Description

Simplify notices of information process reviews

Key Objective(s)

Allow the public to more easily understand, and respond to, public notices for approvals under the Paperwork Reduction Act and Federal Records Act.

Paragraph Description

The Paperwork Reduction Act requires agencies to publish notices of proposed information collections in the Federal Register (see these examples). Similarly, the Federal Records Act requires agencies, through the National Archives and Records Administration, to publish notices of proposed records schedules in the Federal Register (see this example).

These notices are intended to allow public participation in the development of these key information policies, which determine how agencies will collect information from the public and how long they will retain agency records.

However, these provisions date from a time when the Federal Register was only a print publication. At that time, print space was limited and expensive. Therefore, the laws require only a brief public notice in the Federal Register, not the full publication of the proposal. Instead, interested members of the public may contact the agency for a copy of the proposal, which the agency must provide upon request.

In today's age, this request process is an outdated and overly time-consuming procedure. In addition, because the full proposals are not routinely published online, it reduces their visibility (for instance, they are not indexed by search engines) and limits public analysis.

To make this information more usable and facilitate public participation, the U.S. government should direct agencies to post copies of proposed information collections and proposed records schedules online (e.g., in a docket) and link to them from the Federal Register notice.

Measurable Metrics

By June 2019:

Atomahawk commented 6 years ago