Open atrain440 opened 7 years ago
Objectives Open procurement processes level increase access to procurement processes for the general public and increase competition for government tenders. This in turn increases demands on incumbent contractors and increases market access for small and medium businesses. This also contributes to anti-corruption efforts, increasing the capacity of government to target and diagnos corruption risks in the procurement process, while reducing the costs and increasing efficiency.
Draft elevator pitch: Increase transparency of government procurement to make it easier for all businesses including small businesses to participate in the contracting process and allow the public and government to better track the value of the products and services received.
Possible language for objectives that tracks with OGP criteria: This increases transparency of government agency purchasing and allows for greater accountability around government procurement decisions. It would also increase efficiency around procurement disputes by providing a public accounting of the process from start to finish.
Potential Metrics 1- operational website open to public presenting procurement data according to the OCDS 2- website piloted by at least two specific agencies (for example FBI, DHS, NGA)
Draft paragraph description: Building on the best practices developed by projects within OMB and GSA, the United States will [launch or expand] to capture government contracts from planning to awards to implementation. The Acquisition Innovation Advocacy Council will support an open contracting pilot within [X TBD] agencies based on the Open Contracting Data Standards to make it easier for all businesses including small businesses to participate in the contracting process and allow the public and government to better track the value of the products and services received.
Apply this to an overall theme of IT modernization -- Explore how machine learning and AI be applied to open contracting efforts to save time, cost and better align the procurement lifecycle with the technology lifecycle. #cocreation
Topline: All have access to procurement related docs from initial draft through award
Topline Description
Increase transparency of government procurement to make it easier for all businesses including small businesses to participate in the contracting process and allow the public and government to better track the value of the products and services received.
To make it easier for all americans to bid for government contracts. Increasing market. Procurement focus right now are on price not on quality.
Key Objective(s)
This increases transparency of government agency purchasing and allows for greater accountability around government procurement decisions. It would also increase efficiency around procurement disputes by providing a public accounting of the process from start to finish. Draft all docs in the open. Within / Outside government improves procurements via “pull requests”
Open procurement processes level increase access to procurement processes for the general public and increase competition for government tenders. This in turn increases demands on incumbent contractors and increases market access for small and medium businesses. This also contributes to anti-corruption efforts, increasing the capacity of government to target and diagnose corruption risks in the procurement process, while reducing the costs and increasing efficiency.
Paragraph Description
Building on the best practices developed by projects within OMB and GSA, the United States will [launch or expand] to capture and post government contracts from planning to awards to implementation. Agencies participating in the Acquisition Innovation Advocate Council will support an open contracting pilot within [X TBD] agencies based on the Open Contracting Data Standards to make it easier for all businesses including small businesses to participate in the contracting process and allow the public and government to better track the value of the products and services received. These agencies will comply with the Open Government Partnership's C5 Open Data Contracting standards (Planning, Initiation (Tender) (or Licenses, Awards, Contract Publication, Implementation). (The team that developed this is here in DC). INcorporate lessons learned from the 18F Blanket Purchase Agreement and USDS Standards/Lessons Learned from procurement.
Measurable Metrics
1- operational website open to public presenting procurement data according to the OCDS 2- website piloted by at least two specific agencies (for example FBI, DHS, NGA) 3- Increase competition and the diversity of proposals through process. 4- Money spent through open procurements