The way we exercise and report atoms is to run ICAM test cards through them which exercises several of the test atoms. If a container's step definition exists in the spreadsheet (BTW, then an atom exists today), but the container is not on the card, the SP 800-85b set of test cases doesn't get exercised. But not all. We would actually need to create card conditions that trigger those atoms.
The number one offender is the lack of an iris container.
There is a simple solution that will solve this perhaps quickly.
The way we exercise and report atoms is to run ICAM test cards through them which exercises several of the test atoms. If a container's step definition exists in the spreadsheet (BTW, then an atom exists today), but the container is not on the card, the SP 800-85b set of test cases doesn't get exercised. But not all. We would actually need to create card conditions that trigger those atoms.
The number one offender is the lack of an iris container.
There is a simple solution that will solve this perhaps quickly.