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Data Analytics Post-Mortem Analysis #1443

Open fongcindy opened 2 weeks ago

fongcindy commented 2 weeks ago


To better capture the issue of the missing data, Ernie has requested a post-mortem to be shared with stakeholders.

This analysis/report should capture dates, what event/bug or change(s) that triggered the issue/failure, how was event detected, resolution actions taken, and description of the impact of the change.

Please also capture examples of mistakes either from our end or GSA side. Communications improvement recommendation/solution to be proposed i.e. slack comms to tech team instead of only the data team.

User Story

As a USAGov stakeholder, I want a description of why there were inaccuracies in the data collection and what steps were taken to prevent future occurrences.

Acceptance Criteria

Port-Mortem Report Template to use.


@erniedeeb & @EnriqueOrt for viz

fongcindy commented 1 week ago

@nickpistone client is expecting to see this 6/25

nickpistone commented 4 days ago

post-mortem summary here:

fongcindy commented 4 days ago

Reopening ticket because Definition of Done is to send out the report and communication to stakeholders.