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PODM field mapping page text is cut off horizontally #673

Open phette23 opened 3 months ago

phette23 commented 3 months ago

The content at is cut off horizontally on desktop devices (I did not test mobile):

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 10 30 55 AM

This happens because the tables of fields towards the bottom (Dataset Fields, etc.) overflow the bounds of the main content container. It causes the text of other areas, seen in the screenshot above, to also overflow. There are no horizontal scroll bars on the page and the left/right arrow keys do not scroll either. On Safari, you can click-and-drag highlight text that overflows to scroll the page to the right, but on Chrome and Firefox it's not possible to view the overflowing text and table cells.

An overflow: scroll on the <div class="usa-layout__docs-main desktop:grid-col-9"> container adds scroll bars, though the page looks somewhat awkward as a result. There seem to be other pages on the site with wide tables but I couldn't tell why they don't suffer from this problem. Maybe it has to do with the long strings in table cells, though those seem to line break OK.