GSA / sdg-indicators-usa

U.S. National Reporting Platform for the Sustainable Development Goals
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Add UNSD global metadata link to indicator metadata page #584

Closed JenPark9 closed 6 years ago

JenPark9 commented 6 years ago

Remove the current row tab "Method of computation for global SDG indicator."

Add standard across all indicators: UNSD methodology for global SDG indicator, see

philipashlock commented 6 years ago

Rather than add a generic link, this update (98abe615b81df901053f0cf8b75cd64b03cd17dd) provides links to the metadata files for each indicator just like on but it does so with blue buttons above the table. Let me know if you'd rather have the links display in some other way.

Since there's currently only partial coverage of metadata docs on the UN stats website some of these auto-generated links are going to 404 pages (e.g. 1.4.1), so we'll have to update the master indicator spreadsheet to denote which indicators have these metadata docs available rather than assume we can autogenerate working links

JenPark9 commented 6 years ago

I think this is awesome. For the standard language above the global metadata table, let's spell out UNSC to United Nations Statistical Commission. (Sometimes folks think UNSC is the security council, and I am trying to be sensitive to that!) :)

JenPark9 commented 6 years ago

Also, since as you point out not all global metadata are yet developed, let's update the standard text in this same space to "Complete global metadata documentation on all indicators in Goal 1, unless otherwise noted, is provided by the UN Statistics Division." Since Kali is busy w data providers at the moment, maybe Angela can update the master indicator sheet to denote where metadata are not yet available (all tier 3, plus a few tier 1 and 2 where the custodian agency has not yet provided it). Maybe she can suggest what the message should say in those cases?

philipashlock commented 6 years ago

I've made this change (with commit 006a800aa341f5e34039253360ee7c2313b37cf1) but when we're satisfied with the text change, we'll need to remember to update the Spanish translation.

@JenPark9 I'm not sure it makes sense to say "unless otherwise noted" because right now we link to the metadata documentation from the UN for each of the 17 goals. Are there any exceptions?

Note that we're linking to two different types of metadata documentation from the UN at the top of that metadata tab, one is the documentation for the goal (linked in the text) and the other is documentation for the indicator (linked with the blue buttons).

@angela-smithers Let me know if you'd like to start updating the master indicator sheet with details to denote which indicators have these UN links available, I'll want to coordinate with you on the best way to do that beforehand

JenPark9 commented 6 years ago

Roger that about the Spanish translation. (Angela, could you ask Larry or Francisco?). Re the "unless otherwise noted," we do not have global metadata for each of the indicators yet, and we want to somehow say that the global metadata is not yet available for those indicators (so we do not show an error page.) The text reads (note, I think global should also be in blue font) "global metadata documentation on all indicators in Goal 1, unless otherwise noted, is provided by the UN Statistics Division." Am I misunderstanding?

JenPark9 commented 6 years ago

@angela-Smithers, I think you can start w adding the flags for missing global metadata in the master indicator sheet. Thanks!