GSA / smartpay-training

Prototype for new GSA SmartPay training quizzes
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Possible Purchase Card Training Quiz Question Issue #459

Open LoraBradford opened 7 months ago

LoraBradford commented 7 months ago

The question and/or answer for quiz question #3 in the Purchase Card Training Quiz may need to be corrected.

Question: Card/account holders should be receiving applicable tax exemptions for all tangible personal property purchases made using their GSA SmartPay Purchase cards/accounts. Answer: True/False Correct Answer: True

JennaySDavis commented 6 months ago

What is incorrect? Is the wording on the question incorrect or is the answer in the answer key incorrect?

LoraBradford commented 6 months ago

@JennaySDavis we are currently reviewing this to see which is the best option, changing the question or the answer.

JennaySDavis commented 1 month ago

Closing ticket. This a duplicate of Question 3. Purchase Card/Account Holder Training Quiz #551