GSA / smartpay-training

Prototype for new GSA SmartPay training quizzes
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Dependabot Alert: Vite dev server option `server.fs.deny` can be bypassed when hosted on case-insensitive filesystem #480

Open JennaySDavis opened 5 months ago

JennaySDavis commented 5 months ago

Summary Vite dev server option server.fs.deny can be bypassed on case-insensitive file systems using case-augmented versions of filenames. Notably, this affects servers hosted on Windows.

This bypass is similar to -- with surface area reduced to hosts having case-insensitive filesystems.

Patches Fixed in vite@5.0.12, vite@4.5.2, vite@3.2.8, vite@2.9.17

Details Since pico-match defaults to case-sensitive glob matching, but the file server doesn't discriminate, a blacklist bypass is possible.

See pico-match usage, where no case is defaulted to false:

By requesting raw filesystem paths using augmented casing, the matcher derived from config.server.fs.deny fails to block access to sensitive files.

JennaySDavis commented 5 months ago

#480 Acceptance Criteria

Pass/Fail Description
Pass Smoke Testing of Training app.

Comments/Additional Notes Performance score will increase when is completed. A Link checker was completed on the app. No broken links were found.

ADA Compliance (Automated scan via Chrome Lighthouse) Criteria Score
Performance 95*
Accessibility 100
Best Practices 100

*average several scans were completed.

Passed 02/2/2024 - JSD

LoraBradford commented 5 months ago

Thank you! Approved with the understanding that #455 will increase score. Moving to done!