GSA / smartpay-training

Prototype for new GSA SmartPay training quizzes
8 stars 4 forks source link

Update GSA City Pair Program (CPP) #539

Open LoraBradford opened 2 months ago

LoraBradford commented 2 months ago

Current Link:

New Link:

Travel Training for Card/Account Holders: Lesson 1: Travel Program Overview What is the GSA SmartPay® program?

What are some of the overall benefits to using the GSA SmartPay program? Identification for Discount Programs

Lesson 5: Planning for the Trip Transportation Fares

Purchase Training for Card/Account Holders: Lesson 1: Purchase Program Overview Identification for Discount Programs

AOPC Travel Training: Lesson 1: Travel Program Overview What is the GSA SmartPay® program?

What are some of the overall benefits to using the GSA SmartPay program? Identification for Discount Programs

AOPC Purchase Training: Lesson 1: Purchase Program Overview Identification for Discount Programs

AOPC Fleet Training: Lesson 1: Fleet Program Overview Identification for Discount Programs

JennaySDavis commented 2 months ago

#539 Acceptance Criteria

Pass/Fail Description

All of the following now navigate to the correct GSA City Pair link: |Pass |Travel Training for Card/Account Holders: Lesson 1: Travel Program Overview What is the GSA SmartPay® program?| | Pass | What are some of the overall benefits to using the GSA SmartPay program? Identification for Discount Programs| | Pass | Lesson 5: Planning for the Trip Transportation Fares | | Pass| Purchase Training for Card/Account Holders: Lesson 1: Purchase Program Overview Identification for Discount Programs | | Pass | AOPC Travel Training: Lesson 1: Travel Program Overview What is the GSA SmartPay® program? | | Pass| What are some of the overall benefits to using the GSA SmartPay program? Identification for Discount Programs | | Pass | AOPC Purchase Training: Lesson 1: Purchase Program Overview Identification for Discount Programs | | Pass | AOPC Fleet Training: Lesson 1: Fleet Program Overview Identification for Discount Programs |

Comments/Additional Notes A Link checker was completed on the app - no broken links.

ADA Compliance (Automated scan via Chrome Lighthouse)

Criteria Score
Performance 98
Accessibility 100
Best Practices 100

Passed 04/26/2024 - JSD

LoraBradford commented 2 months ago

@JennaySDavis can you please send me the link to verify these?

johnbeallgsa commented 2 months ago

All city links verified. Great job. Moving to Done.