Dependabot Alert: Vite's server.fs.deny is bypassed when using ?import&raw #651
Dependabot Alert: Vite DOM Clobbering gadget found in vite bundled scripts that leads to XSS #650
Dependabot Alert: Vite DOM Clobbering gadget found in vite bundled scripts that leads to XSS #650
Biobased in Training #663
Dependabot Alert: Vite's server.fs.deny is bypassed when using ?import&raw #651 Dependabot Alert: Vite DOM Clobbering gadget found in vite bundled scripts that leads to XSS #650 Dependabot Alert: Vite DOM Clobbering gadget found in vite bundled scripts that leads to XSS #650 Biobased in Training #663