GSA / smartpay-website

SmartPay website
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Update to include SmartPay logo #504

Open JennaySDavis opened 5 months ago

JennaySDavis commented 5 months ago

Update the for the "Visual Design (New)."

Review and update as needed the footer links on to match the SmartPay Program site.

Please make the following changes:

CodyHinze commented 4 months ago

I've completed the items described in the ticket, but I also sent out a version of the configuration that included Primary and Secondary Navigation links.

Here is a copy of the two options with navigation (left) and without (right). Image

CodyHinze commented 4 months ago

The Preview is ready to be tested without the Navigation links mentioned in the previous comment. Please test it using the Preview links below:

Direct link to Preview:

JennaySDavis commented 4 months ago

#504 Acceptance Criteria

Pass/Fail Description
Pass Under "Fonts & Colors," set the "Footer background color" to "#252F3E"
Pass Under "Image Assets," Set the "Display logo only" to True to remove the "GSA SmartPay" text from the search site banner
Pass Under "Image Assets," Add the GSA 48 px square site Identifier from the footer of the program website ""
Pass Under "Identifier," set the following three fields: Parent agency name: General Services Administration, Parent agency link:, Identifier domain name
Pass Under "Identifier links," add the following links: About GSA](;; Accessibility statement](; FOIA requests](; No FEAR Act data](; Office of the Inspector General](; Performance reports](; Privacy policy](

Comments/Additional Notes

ADA Compliance (Automated scan via Chrome Lighthouse) | Criteria | Score |


Passed 04/26/2024 - JSD

LoraBradford commented 4 months ago

This looks great! I like the current version, without the navigation but will let @johnbeallgsa make the final decision on Monday! Thank you!

johnbeallgsa commented 4 months ago

@CodyHinze Is there a preference for the two versions? When I click here I do not see the Identifier links unless I scroll down. Could we remove some of the white to be able to see the Identifier links?

johnbeallgsa commented 4 months ago

@CodyHinze @JennaySDavis, thank you for meeting with me today to talk about this story; moving to be done with the version without the Navigation links.